Cum era vorba aia? Fiecare asteapta ceva de la muzica pe care o asculta? Fiecare isi doreste altceva de la muzica? Bleah! Nu suna bine. Cred ca, de fapt, fiecare cauta ceva in muzica. Trecand peste interpretarile de acest gen, cred ca orice persoana pentru care muzica inseamna ceva (a se citi mult) isi doreste sa fie, in primul rand, surprinsa. Sa zambeasca cu subinteles si sa exclame: aia e!
Asa zambesc eu acum, ascultand albumul… stati sa citesc cum se cheama, ma omoara total limba asta germana… da, Kaputte Nackte Affen.
In caz ca va ganditi ca Japanische Kamphorspiele provin din tara ochilor oblici care se uita la soare cum rasare si citesc in paralel Shogunu’ (care in mod cert e mai tare ca Lastunu), va inselati. Sunt nemti din Germania, din orasul Krefeld, adica, pentru cine stie folbal, de unde e Bayer 05 Uerdingen, unde a jucat regretatul Michael Klein, care, in ciuda numelui, nu era deloc mic. Si da, canta (ce vrea p**a lor!) din anul 1998, iar albumul de fata e al cincilea in 13 ani si, dupa umila-mi parere, cel care traseaza cel mai precis regulile dupa care compun si interpreteaza cei 6 muzicieni, adica: Nici o regula! Moarte cliseelor! Sa decedeze etichetele!
Descrisi pe paginile de internet de specialitate drept death/grind, Japanische Kamphorspiele presteaza de parca Daniel Gildenlow de la Pain of Salvation ar fi luat etnobotanice si si-ar fi imbratisat adevarata fire (ceea ce ar trebui sa facem fiecare dintre noi, ma refer aici la imbratisari, nu la etnobotanice) si ar fi recunoscut ca metalul cel mai adevarat (adica nu e de plastic!) e cel la baza gatului.
Nu stiu foarte exact daca e cea mai potrivita descriere, probabil ca exista urme fine de grind si death (in sensul ca in laboratorul in care a fost procesat albumul se folosesc frecvent si ingrediente de genul celor de mai sus) in muzica trupei, insa albumul de fata e atat de atipic si atat de delirant, incat sunt tentat sa afirm ca e un progressive unusual relaxed but responsible and professional provoking extreme metal.
Imi vine foarte greu sa insir aici toate elementele si influentele mai mult sau mai putin vadite existente pe Kaputte Nackte Affen, mai ales ca am luat-o si asa total pe campii cu recenzia, sper doar ca diareea mea verbala (scuzati expresia!) sa faca macar putin sens si sa va starneasca curiozitatea. Albumul e facut cu cap, produs beton si, in final, merita.
P.S. – Este albumul de despartire al trupei.
Membrii trupei:
Markus "Bony" Hoff - voce
Martin Freund - voce
René Hauffe - chitara
Klaus Nicodem - chitara
Marco Bachmann - bas
Christof "Christ Of" Kather - tobe, voce
vineri, 25 februarie 2011
marți, 8 februarie 2011
Interview with Peter Kolstad Vegem (Mongo Ninja)
Mongo Ninja, Pete Evil, Interview. Romania - La Baza Gatului
La Baza Gatului: When did you start playing music and when did you first realized that this was going to be “your path”?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: When I first heard KISS at the age of 6. The elder brother of a friend of mine down the street had the "Dynasty" album and I got instantly hooked. I got "Unmasked" for my seventh birthday in 1980. I played that album until it turned to dust and fell apart. I rapidly dived into the KISS back catalogue and when I heard “Alive” for the first time it felt like my head exploded! My rascal friends and I made drums and fake guitars out of whatever we could find. We made costumes and painted our faces and invited our parents and other friends to “concerts". It didn’t take long before I discovered bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motörhead, Ozzy and so on. I was a full blown metal head by the age of 9. When I turned 11 I finally got my first guitar. I began writing songs that very same day. I had a bunch of “songs” ready before I even knew how to play the damn thing. That describes me pretty well. I have never had a guitar lesson in my life,
but I have always been creating music. I tend to do things the hard way… It’s a blessing and a curse.
La Baza Gatului: How did you come to founding Mongo Ninja? What does Mongo Ninja mean and how did you choose this name?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Kristopher and I used to play together in a punk band called Datsun back in the 90's. We slowly drifted apart as I dropped out to focus on my other band at the time, Hellride. Kristopher also had his other band The Cumshots and I started up Blood Tsunami in 2004. During the summer of 2009 we met by coincidence. We were both in a piss-miserable mood and bored out of our heads. I said something like …"Damn, wouldn't it been great to play in a band like Zeke and don't give a flying fuck about anyone or anything?" “Let's do it" was Kristopher's quick reply. There and then Mongo Ninja was born… Well, we didn't have the name ready at that point. The name was something Kristopher suggested as a possible album title, but after a while, in a drunken haze we changed our intoxicated minds and baptized the band for Mongo Ninja. What it means? A Mongo Ninja is a guy, or a girl for that matter, who is full of hell, totally unpredictable, happy as a kid at the circus, but also aggressive as a wounded grizzly and of course as stupid as a well done pork chop. You can never predict this idiot's next move. He will probably give you a hug and buy you a beer before he suddenly rips your head off and piss down your throat… or in the opposite order. He will cause some serious damage to his surroundings and he will most likely punch himself in the nose and pass out before the cops arrive.

(Photo by Kenneth Solfjeld)
La Baza Gatului: Since Norway is musically renowned mostly due to the black metal scene, when Mongo Ninja was founded, weren’t you tempted to choose the “dark path”?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: The whole point of Mongo Ninja is to play whatever sounds good and whatever we feel like playing. We don't care if we mix rock, metal or punk. We’re content as long as the music has a high level of energy and aggression. No matter what we do it all ends up sounding like Mongo Ninja anyway. We are old men playing teenage music. We have no boundaries. We've been in so many "genre-tied" bands in the past so it was about time to kick back and don't give a shit. I like Black Metal, but I have never been tempted to play that kind of music. I adore the first wave with bands like Venom, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate and so on... and of course Bathory. That is absolutely my cup of blood, but the second wave, didn't hit me in the same way. Not at first... I truly love bands like Darkthrone, Mayhem and Immortal, but I have never felt an urge to create such music. And I must confess that the "Lost-Panda-in-the-Forest" images turned me off when they first started popping up back in the days. Haha, fucking morons was my first thought… I'm a more thrash and punk kinda guy. I like asphalt and concrete. Anyway, we have Faust in the band so we have our share of pitch black Norwegian darkness. He is our Black Metal alibi. He's been out there in the woods with his cape and his sword. His previous paths were so dark so it’s actually mystery it didn't grow tentacles from his forehead... With swinging light bulbs attached at the end. Like a deep sea fish.

La Baza Gatului: Even though the band has a quite short history (it was formed in 2009), you have managed to release 3 studio albums and 1 live one. Where do this enthusiasm and inspiration come from?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Now and then my ADHD kicks into full bloom and when that happens I can come up with a dozen songs and a zillion riffs in no time. I was one of those irritating kids that had a blast running around in circles and screaming my lungs out to KISS for hours when everyone else had gone home and fallen asleep. I seriously try to slow down now and then because I tend to go on people's nerves. There's never been a lack of inspiration. I mean, hey, just take a look around! Humanity will never stop to amaze, scare or entertain. It’s so many stories out there. Just dig'em up. If you take a look in the daily newspaper you will quickly have enough stuff to write a new album. Now we have decided to have a short break from the studio. We can't continue to throw albums at people all the time. We must play some concerts too. At least our label thinks so.
La Baza Gatului: If we would meet in a record store and I had money to buy only one CD, how would you convince me to buy Nocturnal Neanderthals? Would you by any chance use a miniature Thor’s Hammer haha?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Yeah! I would stand behind you doing my very best to drive you nuts. Eventually you would have bought the damn CD just to get rid of me. No, seriously, if we're talking about old school metalheads and punks, I absolutely believe they will enjoy the album. Frankly, I can't think of one good reason why they wouldn't like this album. But, of course, if we're talking about some lame ass dork who believes that Bullet For My Valentine is metal and Blink 182 is punk… Well, then we have a problem.

La Baza Gatului: If you would be a journalist, how would you rate Nocturnal Neanderthals (on a scale from 0 to 10) and why?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: I reckon I would have liked the album because of its sheer devilish attitude and the intense level of energy. I would probably have given it a ...7! But, to be honest with you, the album could have been better, if we had given ourselves more time in the studio and maybe stayed sober for a few seconds while recording the shit, but that's not the way we work. We like to throw things out without giving it too much thought. That’s more fun and it adds some edge to it all… In my opinion an album is a testimony of a short period in time. If you spend ages recording, re-writing and a start up a “second-thought-marathon” the album will lose its spontaneous vibe and its pure energy and to me that’s very important to maintain.
La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about the lyrical concept of your latest studio album haha? What is with all those Neanderthals, bums, whores, sharks, etc.? As a personal favor, could you please tell me what the hell is a Piss Piñata?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Some of the songs are true stories, like "Ota Benga" who tells the story about this poor little pygmy back in the beginning of last century who was abducted in Belgian Congo and sent off to the US where he was put on display in the Bronx' Zoo. "Victim # 13" deals with the horrendous fate of a teenager named Konerak Sintasomophone. He was Jeffery Dahmer's thirteenth victim. Of course the 12 previous victims also experienced to die gruesome deaths the "dahmer-way", but what makes Konerak's story so special is the fact that he actually managed to escape from Dahmer. He even encountered some police officers that night, but what those cop-idiots did was to escort the naked and terrified kid back to Jeffrey's apartment and straight into certain death. Another song that deals with true events is "The Bible and The Beatles". This song is about Charles Manson and his infamous "Family", but it's not so much about the well known Tate/LaBinacha murders in 69. It's more about Manson's "Helter Skelter" theory. He wanted to trigger a racial war between blacks and whites. That's why they killed Sharon Tate and all the others. He expected that all hell would break loose and the plan was that Manson and his family would seek shelter in a hidden city underground while the war raged above. Then, when the black man had won and soon realized that he was too stupid to lead the people, Manson would emerge and become the leader of the new world. Now that's a fascinating prediction from a truly twisted mind. Other songs are simply about drunk idiots, fucked up retards, stupidity, self loathing and general bad behavior. We have added some "romantic" stuff too in songs like "Horrified and Horny" and "Fuckher". Haha. A Piñata is this Mexican tradition. I guess you already know this, but it's a cardboard figure covered with paper-mâché. It contains candies and sweets and the kids beat it with a stick until it breaks and the candy falls out. Great success at birthday parties and so on... "Piss Piñata" is about a guy we know. When drunk he always piss the bed. Both he and the unlucky bitch sleeping next to him are condemned to wake up drenched in piss. No exception to this rule. He's a real "Prince Charming", but he's also a non-stop pissing Whitesnake.

La Baza Gatului: When it comes to musical creativity, Norway certainly stays somewhere in the front. What is the explanation for this multitude of projects, bands and very good albums?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: I really don't know... but what I do know it that it is OUR generation that has made Norway to a good country music wise. When I grew up, Norway sucked donkey balls. We had nothing. We had some good punk bands, but back in the 80's there was just a couple of bands worth mentioning that actually delivered some good metal. TNT was heavy metal, Equinox was thrash, Cadaver was death and Mayhem was pure chaos. The metal scene didn't exist until the "Kiss-Generation" grew up and learned how to play. Then BOOM! All of a sudden we had bands like Darkthrone, Enslaved, Emperor, Immortal and so on... What made them special was that they developed their own sound… Of course heavily inspired by other foreign bands, especially Bathory, but still they had something unique. Some damn good rock bands emerged in the early 90's. Turbonegro became huge. Gluecifer delivered some fantastic
albums and many other bands started up. I suppose all of this happened because this generation had grown up on a steady diet of hard rock. Of course, some started playing football instead, but music was the big thing for the majority of the kids growing up back in the 70's and 80's.
La Baza Gatului: What is your opinion about the actual metal scene in general and the Norwegian one in special?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: My opinion is that the underground is alive and the mainstream bands only serve as a ticket into the world of real metal. Just like KISS was for me back in the day, commercial and soft as they had become at the end of the 70’s, they still was my ticket into a life of metal. That’s why I don’t bother much about all the plastic bands that rides the big waves and gets hyped into gods in magazines like Metal Hammer and so on. The kids need their Trivium, Killswitch Engage, Slipknot and all that kind of crap. Later on they will hopefully discover what real metal is all about. That said, I don’t think there’s much difference between metal in general and the Norwegian scene anymore. It was a HUGE difference in the 90’s and first half of the 2000’s, but the difference is more or less washed away. I mean, you have bands from USA that sounds more Norwegian than any of the Norwegian bands. Dimmu Borgir is one of the biggest bands around and to me the only Norwegian thing left in that band most be their passports. Genuine underground warriors and pioneers like Darkthrone has adopted a crust punk vibe that absolutely ain’t Norwegian. Enslaved has gone prog, Mayhem is still fucking nuts. Immortal still lives in their own Blashyrkh hell so I guess they are the one band that has stayed true to their own sound. But Norway is much more than just those old Black Metal dinosaurs. Devil, Deathhammer, Waklevören, Obliteration, Okkultokrati, Kvelertak, Haust and many more delivers some mighty fine metal and rock. “Divinity of Death” by Nekromantheon must without a doubt be one of the coolest old school thrash albums around and the old ugly thrashers in Aura Noir will also soon unleash a new album.

La Baza Gatului: Do you believe in good and evil?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Yes, I believe in good and evil in man.
La Baza Gatului: European actors dream of Hollywood. What do European musicians dream about?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: I dunno… a vast amount of pussy? Playing live and selling shitloads of albums in other continents is of course a distant shimmering star. Some are lucky enough to achieve this, but most of us fuckers are doomed to roll around Europe in a crappy van and play for dirty punks at various shitty clubs… But do you know what? It ain’t that bad. We call it rock!
La Baza Gatului: Considering your creativity, should we expect at least two new Mongo Ninja studio albums this year haha? How about Blood Tsunami, the
other project you and Bard are involved into?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Hehe… as I said, Mongo Ninja have decided to take a little break from the album-bombardment for a while and rather focus on getting our shit across the Norwegian borders and try to play some concerts before we get too drunk. When it comes to Blood Tsunami we have recently started to rehearse some new stuff. The band has been on a hiatus for a year or so. The new shit sounds killer. The plan is to record a demo soon and then plunge into a new studio album.

La Baza Gatului: Thank you very much for your cooperation. The final words are yours.
Peter Kolstad Vegem: My pleasure. Hm, final words? Naaah, buy Mongo albums and raise hell. Now, let’s get drunk!
La Baza Gatului: When did you start playing music and when did you first realized that this was going to be “your path”?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: When I first heard KISS at the age of 6. The elder brother of a friend of mine down the street had the "Dynasty" album and I got instantly hooked. I got "Unmasked" for my seventh birthday in 1980. I played that album until it turned to dust and fell apart. I rapidly dived into the KISS back catalogue and when I heard “Alive” for the first time it felt like my head exploded! My rascal friends and I made drums and fake guitars out of whatever we could find. We made costumes and painted our faces and invited our parents and other friends to “concerts". It didn’t take long before I discovered bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motörhead, Ozzy and so on. I was a full blown metal head by the age of 9. When I turned 11 I finally got my first guitar. I began writing songs that very same day. I had a bunch of “songs” ready before I even knew how to play the damn thing. That describes me pretty well. I have never had a guitar lesson in my life,
but I have always been creating music. I tend to do things the hard way… It’s a blessing and a curse.
La Baza Gatului: How did you come to founding Mongo Ninja? What does Mongo Ninja mean and how did you choose this name?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Kristopher and I used to play together in a punk band called Datsun back in the 90's. We slowly drifted apart as I dropped out to focus on my other band at the time, Hellride. Kristopher also had his other band The Cumshots and I started up Blood Tsunami in 2004. During the summer of 2009 we met by coincidence. We were both in a piss-miserable mood and bored out of our heads. I said something like …"Damn, wouldn't it been great to play in a band like Zeke and don't give a flying fuck about anyone or anything?" “Let's do it" was Kristopher's quick reply. There and then Mongo Ninja was born… Well, we didn't have the name ready at that point. The name was something Kristopher suggested as a possible album title, but after a while, in a drunken haze we changed our intoxicated minds and baptized the band for Mongo Ninja. What it means? A Mongo Ninja is a guy, or a girl for that matter, who is full of hell, totally unpredictable, happy as a kid at the circus, but also aggressive as a wounded grizzly and of course as stupid as a well done pork chop. You can never predict this idiot's next move. He will probably give you a hug and buy you a beer before he suddenly rips your head off and piss down your throat… or in the opposite order. He will cause some serious damage to his surroundings and he will most likely punch himself in the nose and pass out before the cops arrive.

(Photo by Kenneth Solfjeld)
La Baza Gatului: Since Norway is musically renowned mostly due to the black metal scene, when Mongo Ninja was founded, weren’t you tempted to choose the “dark path”?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: The whole point of Mongo Ninja is to play whatever sounds good and whatever we feel like playing. We don't care if we mix rock, metal or punk. We’re content as long as the music has a high level of energy and aggression. No matter what we do it all ends up sounding like Mongo Ninja anyway. We are old men playing teenage music. We have no boundaries. We've been in so many "genre-tied" bands in the past so it was about time to kick back and don't give a shit. I like Black Metal, but I have never been tempted to play that kind of music. I adore the first wave with bands like Venom, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate and so on... and of course Bathory. That is absolutely my cup of blood, but the second wave, didn't hit me in the same way. Not at first... I truly love bands like Darkthrone, Mayhem and Immortal, but I have never felt an urge to create such music. And I must confess that the "Lost-Panda-in-the-Forest" images turned me off when they first started popping up back in the days. Haha, fucking morons was my first thought… I'm a more thrash and punk kinda guy. I like asphalt and concrete. Anyway, we have Faust in the band so we have our share of pitch black Norwegian darkness. He is our Black Metal alibi. He's been out there in the woods with his cape and his sword. His previous paths were so dark so it’s actually mystery it didn't grow tentacles from his forehead... With swinging light bulbs attached at the end. Like a deep sea fish.

La Baza Gatului: Even though the band has a quite short history (it was formed in 2009), you have managed to release 3 studio albums and 1 live one. Where do this enthusiasm and inspiration come from?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Now and then my ADHD kicks into full bloom and when that happens I can come up with a dozen songs and a zillion riffs in no time. I was one of those irritating kids that had a blast running around in circles and screaming my lungs out to KISS for hours when everyone else had gone home and fallen asleep. I seriously try to slow down now and then because I tend to go on people's nerves. There's never been a lack of inspiration. I mean, hey, just take a look around! Humanity will never stop to amaze, scare or entertain. It’s so many stories out there. Just dig'em up. If you take a look in the daily newspaper you will quickly have enough stuff to write a new album. Now we have decided to have a short break from the studio. We can't continue to throw albums at people all the time. We must play some concerts too. At least our label thinks so.
La Baza Gatului: If we would meet in a record store and I had money to buy only one CD, how would you convince me to buy Nocturnal Neanderthals? Would you by any chance use a miniature Thor’s Hammer haha?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Yeah! I would stand behind you doing my very best to drive you nuts. Eventually you would have bought the damn CD just to get rid of me. No, seriously, if we're talking about old school metalheads and punks, I absolutely believe they will enjoy the album. Frankly, I can't think of one good reason why they wouldn't like this album. But, of course, if we're talking about some lame ass dork who believes that Bullet For My Valentine is metal and Blink 182 is punk… Well, then we have a problem.

La Baza Gatului: If you would be a journalist, how would you rate Nocturnal Neanderthals (on a scale from 0 to 10) and why?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: I reckon I would have liked the album because of its sheer devilish attitude and the intense level of energy. I would probably have given it a ...7! But, to be honest with you, the album could have been better, if we had given ourselves more time in the studio and maybe stayed sober for a few seconds while recording the shit, but that's not the way we work. We like to throw things out without giving it too much thought. That’s more fun and it adds some edge to it all… In my opinion an album is a testimony of a short period in time. If you spend ages recording, re-writing and a start up a “second-thought-marathon” the album will lose its spontaneous vibe and its pure energy and to me that’s very important to maintain.
La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about the lyrical concept of your latest studio album haha? What is with all those Neanderthals, bums, whores, sharks, etc.? As a personal favor, could you please tell me what the hell is a Piss Piñata?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Some of the songs are true stories, like "Ota Benga" who tells the story about this poor little pygmy back in the beginning of last century who was abducted in Belgian Congo and sent off to the US where he was put on display in the Bronx' Zoo. "Victim # 13" deals with the horrendous fate of a teenager named Konerak Sintasomophone. He was Jeffery Dahmer's thirteenth victim. Of course the 12 previous victims also experienced to die gruesome deaths the "dahmer-way", but what makes Konerak's story so special is the fact that he actually managed to escape from Dahmer. He even encountered some police officers that night, but what those cop-idiots did was to escort the naked and terrified kid back to Jeffrey's apartment and straight into certain death. Another song that deals with true events is "The Bible and The Beatles". This song is about Charles Manson and his infamous "Family", but it's not so much about the well known Tate/LaBinacha murders in 69. It's more about Manson's "Helter Skelter" theory. He wanted to trigger a racial war between blacks and whites. That's why they killed Sharon Tate and all the others. He expected that all hell would break loose and the plan was that Manson and his family would seek shelter in a hidden city underground while the war raged above. Then, when the black man had won and soon realized that he was too stupid to lead the people, Manson would emerge and become the leader of the new world. Now that's a fascinating prediction from a truly twisted mind. Other songs are simply about drunk idiots, fucked up retards, stupidity, self loathing and general bad behavior. We have added some "romantic" stuff too in songs like "Horrified and Horny" and "Fuckher". Haha. A Piñata is this Mexican tradition. I guess you already know this, but it's a cardboard figure covered with paper-mâché. It contains candies and sweets and the kids beat it with a stick until it breaks and the candy falls out. Great success at birthday parties and so on... "Piss Piñata" is about a guy we know. When drunk he always piss the bed. Both he and the unlucky bitch sleeping next to him are condemned to wake up drenched in piss. No exception to this rule. He's a real "Prince Charming", but he's also a non-stop pissing Whitesnake.

La Baza Gatului: When it comes to musical creativity, Norway certainly stays somewhere in the front. What is the explanation for this multitude of projects, bands and very good albums?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: I really don't know... but what I do know it that it is OUR generation that has made Norway to a good country music wise. When I grew up, Norway sucked donkey balls. We had nothing. We had some good punk bands, but back in the 80's there was just a couple of bands worth mentioning that actually delivered some good metal. TNT was heavy metal, Equinox was thrash, Cadaver was death and Mayhem was pure chaos. The metal scene didn't exist until the "Kiss-Generation" grew up and learned how to play. Then BOOM! All of a sudden we had bands like Darkthrone, Enslaved, Emperor, Immortal and so on... What made them special was that they developed their own sound… Of course heavily inspired by other foreign bands, especially Bathory, but still they had something unique. Some damn good rock bands emerged in the early 90's. Turbonegro became huge. Gluecifer delivered some fantastic
albums and many other bands started up. I suppose all of this happened because this generation had grown up on a steady diet of hard rock. Of course, some started playing football instead, but music was the big thing for the majority of the kids growing up back in the 70's and 80's.
La Baza Gatului: What is your opinion about the actual metal scene in general and the Norwegian one in special?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: My opinion is that the underground is alive and the mainstream bands only serve as a ticket into the world of real metal. Just like KISS was for me back in the day, commercial and soft as they had become at the end of the 70’s, they still was my ticket into a life of metal. That’s why I don’t bother much about all the plastic bands that rides the big waves and gets hyped into gods in magazines like Metal Hammer and so on. The kids need their Trivium, Killswitch Engage, Slipknot and all that kind of crap. Later on they will hopefully discover what real metal is all about. That said, I don’t think there’s much difference between metal in general and the Norwegian scene anymore. It was a HUGE difference in the 90’s and first half of the 2000’s, but the difference is more or less washed away. I mean, you have bands from USA that sounds more Norwegian than any of the Norwegian bands. Dimmu Borgir is one of the biggest bands around and to me the only Norwegian thing left in that band most be their passports. Genuine underground warriors and pioneers like Darkthrone has adopted a crust punk vibe that absolutely ain’t Norwegian. Enslaved has gone prog, Mayhem is still fucking nuts. Immortal still lives in their own Blashyrkh hell so I guess they are the one band that has stayed true to their own sound. But Norway is much more than just those old Black Metal dinosaurs. Devil, Deathhammer, Waklevören, Obliteration, Okkultokrati, Kvelertak, Haust and many more delivers some mighty fine metal and rock. “Divinity of Death” by Nekromantheon must without a doubt be one of the coolest old school thrash albums around and the old ugly thrashers in Aura Noir will also soon unleash a new album.

La Baza Gatului: Do you believe in good and evil?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Yes, I believe in good and evil in man.
La Baza Gatului: European actors dream of Hollywood. What do European musicians dream about?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: I dunno… a vast amount of pussy? Playing live and selling shitloads of albums in other continents is of course a distant shimmering star. Some are lucky enough to achieve this, but most of us fuckers are doomed to roll around Europe in a crappy van and play for dirty punks at various shitty clubs… But do you know what? It ain’t that bad. We call it rock!
La Baza Gatului: Considering your creativity, should we expect at least two new Mongo Ninja studio albums this year haha? How about Blood Tsunami, the
other project you and Bard are involved into?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Hehe… as I said, Mongo Ninja have decided to take a little break from the album-bombardment for a while and rather focus on getting our shit across the Norwegian borders and try to play some concerts before we get too drunk. When it comes to Blood Tsunami we have recently started to rehearse some new stuff. The band has been on a hiatus for a year or so. The new shit sounds killer. The plan is to record a demo soon and then plunge into a new studio album.

La Baza Gatului: Thank you very much for your cooperation. The final words are yours.
Peter Kolstad Vegem: My pleasure. Hm, final words? Naaah, buy Mongo albums and raise hell. Now, let’s get drunk!
Interviu cu Peter Kolstad Vegem (Mongo Ninja)
English version HERE.
Mongo Ninja, Pete Evil, Interviu. Romania - La Baza Gatului
La Baza Gatului: Cand ai inceput sa canti si cand ai realizat ca acesta va fi “drumul tau”?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: La varsta de 6 ani, cand am ascultat pentru prima data KISS. Fratele mai mare al unui prieten al meu detinea albumul Dynasty, care m-a prins instantaneu. In 1980, cu ocazia celei de-a saptea mea aniversare, am primit cadou albumul Unmasked. Am ascultat albumul ala pana s-a ales praful de el, pur si simplu s-a facut bucati. Ulterior am facut rost de toate albumele Kiss si, cand am ascultat prima data albumul Alive, am avut senzatia ca mi-a explodat capul! Eu si prietenii mei zapaciti aveam obiceiul sa ne facem tobe si chitari false din orice material ne pica in mana. Apoi ne faceam costume, ne pictam fetele si ne invitam parintii si prietenii la “concerte”. Nu a durat mult pana cand am facut cunostinta cu trupe precum Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motörhead, Ozzy si asa mai departe. La varsta de 9 ani eram deja un metalist adevarat. La varsta de 11 ani am obtinut prima chitara adevarata. Am inceput sa compun piese chiar in ziua aceea. Aveam in minte o gramada de “piese” dinainte sa stiu sa folosesc afurisitul ala de instrument. Cred ca asta spune destule despre mine. Nu am luat in viata mea o lectie de chitara, dar am compus intotdeauna muzica. Am tendinta sa aleg calea cea mai complicata… Este o binecuvantare si un blestem deopotriva.
La Baza Gatului: Cum ai ajuns sa infiintezi Mongo Ninja? Ce inseamna Mongo Ninja si cum de ati ales numele asta?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: In anii ’90, Kristopher si cu mine cantam intr-o trupa de punk numita Datsun. Ulterior, drumurile ni s-au separate si eu m-am concentrat mai mult pe cealalta trupa a mea de atunci, Hellride. Kristopher, la randul sau, s-a axat pe cealalta trupa a sa, The Cumshots, iar eu am infiintat trupa Blood Tsunami in 2004. In vara lui 2009 ne-am reintalnit intamplator. Eram amandoi intr-o stare psihica de rahat si plictisiti ca dracu. Eu am spus ceva de genul: “La dracu, nu ar fi extraordinar sa cantam intr-o trupa precum Zeke si sa nu ne pese de nimic?” Kristopher a replicat: “Hai sa o facem!” Atunci si asa a luat nastere Mongo Ninja. Ei bine, nu aveam nici macar numele trupei pregatit. Numele a fost, de fapt, sugestia lui Kristopher pentru un nume de album, insa dupa o vreme, cum eram noi intr-o stare de intoxicare pronuntata, am folosit pentru trupa denumirea de Mongo Ninja. Ce inseamna Mongo Ninja? Este o persoana de gen masculin sau feminine dusa cu capul, imprevizibila, vesela precum un copil la circ, dar si agresiva precum un urs grizzly ranit si, bineinteles, proasta precum o priptura de porc bine rumenita. Nu poti sub nicio forma sa intuiesti urmatoarea miscare a idiotului. Probabil ca te va imbratisa afectuos si iti va oferi o bere fix inainte sa te decapiteze si sa urineze pe gatul tau… sau viceversa. O persoana care va face prapad imprejur si care, cel mai probabil, se va pocni singura si va lesina inainte sa vina politia.

(Fotografie de Kenneth Solfjeld)
La Baza Gatului: Avand in vedere ca Norvegia este renumita mai ales pentru scena black metal, nu ai fost tentat sa o apuci pe “calea intunecata” cand ai infiintat Mongo Ninja?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Singurul scop al trupei Mongo Ninja este sa cante ceea ce suna bine si ceea ce ii face placere. Nu ne pasa daca mixam rock, metal sau punk. Atat timp cat muzica are un nivel ridicat de energie si agresivitate suntem multumiti. Orice am face, in final tot a Mongo Ninja suna. Suntem niste bosorogi care canta o muzica tinereasca. Nu avem limite. Am cantat in trecut in atatea trupe strans legate de diferite stiluri muzicale incat am ajuns la concluzia ca ar fi timpul sa ne revenim sis a nu ne mai pese de etichete. Imi place Black Metal-ul, dar nu am fost niciodata tentat sa cant asa ceva. Ador primul val, cu trupe precum Venom, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate si, bineinteles, Bathory. Cam astea ar fi pe felia mea, trupele din cel de-al doilea val nu m-au mai lovit la fel. Cel putin nu din prima… imi plac cu adevarat gasti precum Darkthrone, Mayhem si Immortal, dar nu am simtit niciodata vreun impuls de a crea o asemenea muzica. Trebuie sa iti marturisesc si ca imaginile de genul “ursi panda rataciti prin padure” mi-au taiat instantaneu pofta cand au aparut pentru prima data. Haha, prima data am considerat ca sunt niste cretini… Eu sunt genul punk si thrash. Imi plac asfaltul si betoanele. In orice caz, il avem pe Faust in trupa Mongo Ninja, deci avem oarecum si o parte superintunecata. El e alibi-ul nostru pentru black metal. A fost in padure cu gluga trasa si sabia in mana. Cararile pe care a umblat individul asta sunt atat de intunecate incat ma mir cum de nu i-au crescut tentacule din frunte, din acelea cu beculete la capat. Cum au pestii din apele adanci.
La Baza Gatului: Chiar daca istoria trupei e una scurta (s-a infiintat in anul 2009), ati reusit sa editati deja 3 albume de studio si unul live. De unde va vin inspiratia si entuziasmul?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Din cand in cand, sindromul meu ADHD iese la iveala si atunci ma trezesc cu o duzina de piese si vreun million de riffuri in cap. Am fost genul ala de copil care alerga de nebun si isi scuipa plamanii cantand piese KISS ore in sir, atunci cand ceilalti se dusesera acasa si probabil dormeau dusi. Ma chinui serios sa ma potolesc, pentru ca si acum am tendinta de a enerva lumea din jur facand asta. Nu ai cum sa nu gasesti mereu surse de inspiratie. Hei, uita-te in jurul tau! Umanitatea nu va inceta sa uimeasca, sperie sau distreze. Se intampla atatea povesti in jur. Trebuie doar sa le intelegi. Daca citesti ziarele, te asigur ca gasesti instant subiecte cat pentru un album intreg. Am decis sa ne rupem oarecum de studio. Nu putem arunca permanent pe piata atatea albume. Trebuie sa mai si concertam. Cel putin asta crede casa noastra de discuri.

La Baza Gatului: Daca ne-am intalni intr-un magazine ce muzica si as avea bani doar pentru un CD, cum m-ai convinge sa cumpar Nocturnal Neanderthals? Ai folosi cumva un Ciocan al lui Thor in miniatura haha?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Da! As sta in spatele tau dandu-mi toata silinta sa te scot din minti. Pana la urma vei cumpara CD-ul doar ca sa scapi de mine. Acum serios, daca vorbim de metalisti si punkeri de moda veche, sunt absolut sigur ca le-ar placea albumul. Sincer, nu imi vine in minte niciun motiv pentru care sa nu o faca. Daca, insa, vorbim de vreun amarat care crede ca Bullet for My Valentine e metal si Blink 182 e punk… atunci s-ar putea sa fie o problema.
La Baza Gatului: Daca ai fi jurnalist, ce nota ai acorda albumului Nocturnal Neanderthals (pe o scala de la 0 la 10) si de ce?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Cred ca mi-ar fi placut albumul pentru atitudinea sa draceasca si pentru nivelul intens de energie. Cred ca l-as fi notat cu un… 7! Ca sa fiu sincer pana la capat, albumul putea fi mult mai bun, daca am fi petrecut mai mult timp in studioul de inregistrari si am fi fost putin mai treji atunci cand l-am inregistrat, numai ca noi nu lucram asa. Ne place sa facem lucrurile fara sa ne gandim foarte mult inainte. E mai amuzant si iese mai bine… Dupa parerea mea, un album este marturia unei perioade de timp limitate. Daca petreci o vesnicie sa inregistrezi, rescrii, sa te razgandesti, atunci produsul final nu va mai avea nicio farama de spontaneitate si energie, iar eu tocmai asta vreau sa pastrez.

La Baza Gatului: Ce poti sa imi spui despre conceptul liric al ultimului vostru album de studio haha? Ce e cu toti neandertalii, aurolacii, tarfele si rechinii aceia? Ca o favoare personala, imi poti spune ce naiba e aceea o Piss Piñata?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Unele piese fac trimitere la povesti adevarate, cum ar fi "Ota Benga", in care este vorba despre un pigmeu care a fost rapit din Congo-ul Belgian la inceputul secolului trecut si apoi expediat in Staele Unite, unde a fost expus in Gradina Zoologica din Bronx. "Victim # 13" se refera la soarta groaznica a unui tanar pe nume Konerak Sintasomophone. A fost cea dea treisprezecea victima a criminalului in serie Jeffrey Dahmer. Bineinteles ca si cele 12 victime dinaintea sa au suferit morti groaznice marca “Dahmer”, insa ce face povestea lui Konerak mai speciala este faptul ca el chiar a reusit sa scape din apartamentul lui Dahmer. Ba chiar a intalnit si niste ofiteri de politie in noaptea aceea, insa ei l-au escortat inapoi la apartamentul lui Jeffrey si in ghearele mortii. O alta piesa care face referire la evenimente reale este "The Bible and The Beatles". Este vorba despre Charles Manson si infama sa "Familie", insa nu are legatura cu renumitele crime ale lui Tate si LaBinacha, care au avut loc in 1969. Este vorba mai mult despre teoria “helter skelter” a lui Manson. El a dorit sa declanseze un razboi rasial intre negri si albi. Asta a si fost motivul pentru care a ucis-o pe Sharon Tate si pe ceilalti. A sperat ca va declansa iadul pe pamant si avea in plan ca el si “familia” sa sa se ascunda intr-un oras subteran in timp ce deasupra se desfasoara ostilitatile. Apoi, dupa ce negrii vor fi castigat si vor fi realizat ca sunt incapabili sa conducal umea, Manson ar fi iesit la suprafata si ar fi devenit liderul mondial. O predictie fascinanta a unei minti bolnave. Celelalte compozitii sunt despre idioti beti, retardati, prostie, ura de sine si despre comportament urat, in general. Am adaugat si anumite elemente “romantice” prin piese precum "Horrified and Horny" si "Fuckher". Haha. O Piñata e o traditie mexicana. Cred ca stii deja ca este vorba despre o figurina din carton acoperita cu franjuri de hartie. Aceasta contine o gramada de bomboane si altfel de dulciuri si copiii o pocnesc cu betele pana cand se rupe si cad din ea toate bomboanele. E o chestie de mare succes la zile de nastere si asa mai departe… "Piss Piñata" este despre un tip pe care il cunoaste. Cand e beat se pisa invariabil in pat. Atat el cat si tarfa nefericita care are ghinionul sa doarma langa el sunt condamnati sa se trezeasca uzi fleasca. Nu e exceptie de la regula asta. Tipul este cu adevarat un “Fat Frumos”, insa se pisa intotdeauna in pat.

La Baza Gatului: Cand vine vorba despre creativitate muzicala, Norvegia sta intotdeauna in frunte. Care e explicatia pentru multitudinea asta de proiecte, trupe si albume bune?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Chiar nu stiu… ce stiu precis este faptul ca generatia NOASTRA a faocut din Norvegia o tara foarte buna din punct de vedere muzical. Cand eram eu adolenscent, Norvegia era varza. Nu aveam nimic. Am avut cateva trupe bune de punk, insa in anii ’80 nu au existat decat vreo doua formatii despre care merita sa amintim si care au cantat un metal bun. TNT era heavy metal, Equinox era thrash, Cadaver era death metal si Mayhem era haosul pur. Scena metal nu a existat pana cand “generatia Kiss” nu a crescut si a inceput sac ante. Apoi BOOM! Dintr-o data au aparut formatii precum Darkthrone, Enslaved, Emperor, Immortal si asa mai departe... Ce a facut aceste trupe a fost faptul ca fiecare si-a dezvoltat propriul sound. Toti au fost inspirati in mod evident de trupe straine, in special de Bahory, insa, cu toate acestea, fiecare dintre ele a avut ceva unic. Si in anii ’90 au aparut cateva trupe bune. Turbonegro au devenit mari. Glucifer a editat cateva albume fantastice si multe alte trupe au aparut. Presupun ca asta s-a intamplat pentru ca generatia respective a avut o dieta muzicala sanatoasa, bazata pe heavy metal. Bineinteles ca unii s-au apucat sa joace fotbal, insa muzica a fost ocupatia principala pentru copiii care au crescut in anii ’70 si ’80.
La Baza Gatului: Ce parere ai despre scena metal actuala in general si despre cea norvegiana in special?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Parerea mea este ca underground-ul e viu si ca trupele mainstream nu servesc decat ca vehicole pcare transporta lumea catre metal-ul adevarat. Asa cum KISS m-a ajutat pe mine cand eram pustan, asa comerciali si moi cum erau ei la finalul anilo ’70, insa ei au constituit biletul meu spre o viata de metalist. Acesta este motivul pentru care nu ma intereseaza foarte tare trupele care sunt acum pe val si care ajung sa fie transformate in zei si laudate in reviste precum Metal Hammer. Tinerii au nevoie de trupe precum Trivium, Killswitch Engage, Slipknot si restul de formatii de rahat. Mai tarziu ei vor descoperi, poate, ce inseamna metalul adevarat. Acestea fiind spuse, acum nu cred ca mai exista diferente notabile intre scena metal in general si cea norvegiana. A existat o diferenta ENORMA in anii ’90 si in prima jumatate a anilor 2000, dar acum s-a estimpat. Acum exista trupe americane care suna mai norvegian decat cele din Norvegia. Dimmu Borgir este una dintre cele mai importante trupe de acum, insa pentru mine singurul lucru care ii mai leaga de Norvegia sunt pasapoartele. Luptatorii underground devotati si pionierii del la Darkthrone au adoptat o atitudine crust/punk care nu are nicio legatura cu Norvegia. Enslaved canta progresiv, Mayhem sunt in continuare absolut dusi cu capul. Immortal traiesc in propriul iad Blashyrkh si cred ca ei sunt singurii care au ramas devotati propriului sound. Norvegia, insa, nu inseamna numai trupele astea de black metal stravechi. Devil, Deathhammer, Waklevören, Obliteration, Okkultokrati, Kvelertak, Haust si multi altii canta rock sau metal calitativ. Albumul “Divinity of Death” al celor de la Nekromantheon este, fara niciun dubiu, una dintre cele mai misto trupe de thrash de scoala veche din zilele noastre. Nu mai vorbesc despre thrasherii urati de la Aura Noir, care in curand vor edita un nou album de studio.

La Baza Gatului: Crezi in bine si rau?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Da, cred ca binele si raul salasluiesc in oameni.
La Baza Gatului: Actorii europeni viseaza sa ajunga la Hollywood. Ce viseaza muzicienii europeni?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Nu stiu… sa aiba parte de multe “pasarici”? Sa cante live sis a vanda o gramada de albume pe continentul lor e o stea care streluceste la mare departare. Unii sunt destul de norocosi sa realizeze si asta, insa restul de amarati precum noi sunt blestemati sa strabata Europa in dube distruse sis a cante pentru punkeri soiosi in diferite cluburi mai mult sau mai putin de rahat… Insa stii ce? Nu e rau deloc. Ii zice rock!
La Baza Gatului: Avand in vedere cat sunteti de creativi, sa ne asteptam anul asta la cel putin doua noi albume de studio haha? Ce se mai intampla cu Blood Tsunami, celalalt proiect in care sunteti implicati tu si Bard?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Hehe… dupa cum ti-am spus, Mongo Ninja a luat decizia sa ia o mica pauza de la bombardamentul cu albume de studio si sa se concentreze, mai degraba, pe concertele date in afara granitelor norvegiene, asta inainte de a ne imbata prea tare. In ceea ce priveste Blood Tsunami, am inceput de curand sa repetam niste piese noi. Trupa a luat o pauza de un an si ceva. Piesele noi suna beton. Planul ar fi sa inregistram un demo in curand si apoi sa inregistram un nou album de studio.

La Baza Gatului: iti multumesc foarte mult pentru colaborare. Ultimele cuvinte iti apartin.
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Placerea a fost de partea mea. Hmm, ultimele cuvinte? Naaah, cumparati albumele Mongo Ninja si dezlantuiti iadul. Acum, hai sa ne imbatam!
Cu bine!
Mongo Ninja, Pete Evil, Interviu. Romania - La Baza Gatului
La Baza Gatului: Cand ai inceput sa canti si cand ai realizat ca acesta va fi “drumul tau”?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: La varsta de 6 ani, cand am ascultat pentru prima data KISS. Fratele mai mare al unui prieten al meu detinea albumul Dynasty, care m-a prins instantaneu. In 1980, cu ocazia celei de-a saptea mea aniversare, am primit cadou albumul Unmasked. Am ascultat albumul ala pana s-a ales praful de el, pur si simplu s-a facut bucati. Ulterior am facut rost de toate albumele Kiss si, cand am ascultat prima data albumul Alive, am avut senzatia ca mi-a explodat capul! Eu si prietenii mei zapaciti aveam obiceiul sa ne facem tobe si chitari false din orice material ne pica in mana. Apoi ne faceam costume, ne pictam fetele si ne invitam parintii si prietenii la “concerte”. Nu a durat mult pana cand am facut cunostinta cu trupe precum Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motörhead, Ozzy si asa mai departe. La varsta de 9 ani eram deja un metalist adevarat. La varsta de 11 ani am obtinut prima chitara adevarata. Am inceput sa compun piese chiar in ziua aceea. Aveam in minte o gramada de “piese” dinainte sa stiu sa folosesc afurisitul ala de instrument. Cred ca asta spune destule despre mine. Nu am luat in viata mea o lectie de chitara, dar am compus intotdeauna muzica. Am tendinta sa aleg calea cea mai complicata… Este o binecuvantare si un blestem deopotriva.
La Baza Gatului: Cum ai ajuns sa infiintezi Mongo Ninja? Ce inseamna Mongo Ninja si cum de ati ales numele asta?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: In anii ’90, Kristopher si cu mine cantam intr-o trupa de punk numita Datsun. Ulterior, drumurile ni s-au separate si eu m-am concentrat mai mult pe cealalta trupa a mea de atunci, Hellride. Kristopher, la randul sau, s-a axat pe cealalta trupa a sa, The Cumshots, iar eu am infiintat trupa Blood Tsunami in 2004. In vara lui 2009 ne-am reintalnit intamplator. Eram amandoi intr-o stare psihica de rahat si plictisiti ca dracu. Eu am spus ceva de genul: “La dracu, nu ar fi extraordinar sa cantam intr-o trupa precum Zeke si sa nu ne pese de nimic?” Kristopher a replicat: “Hai sa o facem!” Atunci si asa a luat nastere Mongo Ninja. Ei bine, nu aveam nici macar numele trupei pregatit. Numele a fost, de fapt, sugestia lui Kristopher pentru un nume de album, insa dupa o vreme, cum eram noi intr-o stare de intoxicare pronuntata, am folosit pentru trupa denumirea de Mongo Ninja. Ce inseamna Mongo Ninja? Este o persoana de gen masculin sau feminine dusa cu capul, imprevizibila, vesela precum un copil la circ, dar si agresiva precum un urs grizzly ranit si, bineinteles, proasta precum o priptura de porc bine rumenita. Nu poti sub nicio forma sa intuiesti urmatoarea miscare a idiotului. Probabil ca te va imbratisa afectuos si iti va oferi o bere fix inainte sa te decapiteze si sa urineze pe gatul tau… sau viceversa. O persoana care va face prapad imprejur si care, cel mai probabil, se va pocni singura si va lesina inainte sa vina politia.

(Fotografie de Kenneth Solfjeld)
La Baza Gatului: Avand in vedere ca Norvegia este renumita mai ales pentru scena black metal, nu ai fost tentat sa o apuci pe “calea intunecata” cand ai infiintat Mongo Ninja?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Singurul scop al trupei Mongo Ninja este sa cante ceea ce suna bine si ceea ce ii face placere. Nu ne pasa daca mixam rock, metal sau punk. Atat timp cat muzica are un nivel ridicat de energie si agresivitate suntem multumiti. Orice am face, in final tot a Mongo Ninja suna. Suntem niste bosorogi care canta o muzica tinereasca. Nu avem limite. Am cantat in trecut in atatea trupe strans legate de diferite stiluri muzicale incat am ajuns la concluzia ca ar fi timpul sa ne revenim sis a nu ne mai pese de etichete. Imi place Black Metal-ul, dar nu am fost niciodata tentat sa cant asa ceva. Ador primul val, cu trupe precum Venom, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate si, bineinteles, Bathory. Cam astea ar fi pe felia mea, trupele din cel de-al doilea val nu m-au mai lovit la fel. Cel putin nu din prima… imi plac cu adevarat gasti precum Darkthrone, Mayhem si Immortal, dar nu am simtit niciodata vreun impuls de a crea o asemenea muzica. Trebuie sa iti marturisesc si ca imaginile de genul “ursi panda rataciti prin padure” mi-au taiat instantaneu pofta cand au aparut pentru prima data. Haha, prima data am considerat ca sunt niste cretini… Eu sunt genul punk si thrash. Imi plac asfaltul si betoanele. In orice caz, il avem pe Faust in trupa Mongo Ninja, deci avem oarecum si o parte superintunecata. El e alibi-ul nostru pentru black metal. A fost in padure cu gluga trasa si sabia in mana. Cararile pe care a umblat individul asta sunt atat de intunecate incat ma mir cum de nu i-au crescut tentacule din frunte, din acelea cu beculete la capat. Cum au pestii din apele adanci.
La Baza Gatului: Chiar daca istoria trupei e una scurta (s-a infiintat in anul 2009), ati reusit sa editati deja 3 albume de studio si unul live. De unde va vin inspiratia si entuziasmul?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Din cand in cand, sindromul meu ADHD iese la iveala si atunci ma trezesc cu o duzina de piese si vreun million de riffuri in cap. Am fost genul ala de copil care alerga de nebun si isi scuipa plamanii cantand piese KISS ore in sir, atunci cand ceilalti se dusesera acasa si probabil dormeau dusi. Ma chinui serios sa ma potolesc, pentru ca si acum am tendinta de a enerva lumea din jur facand asta. Nu ai cum sa nu gasesti mereu surse de inspiratie. Hei, uita-te in jurul tau! Umanitatea nu va inceta sa uimeasca, sperie sau distreze. Se intampla atatea povesti in jur. Trebuie doar sa le intelegi. Daca citesti ziarele, te asigur ca gasesti instant subiecte cat pentru un album intreg. Am decis sa ne rupem oarecum de studio. Nu putem arunca permanent pe piata atatea albume. Trebuie sa mai si concertam. Cel putin asta crede casa noastra de discuri.

La Baza Gatului: Daca ne-am intalni intr-un magazine ce muzica si as avea bani doar pentru un CD, cum m-ai convinge sa cumpar Nocturnal Neanderthals? Ai folosi cumva un Ciocan al lui Thor in miniatura haha?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Da! As sta in spatele tau dandu-mi toata silinta sa te scot din minti. Pana la urma vei cumpara CD-ul doar ca sa scapi de mine. Acum serios, daca vorbim de metalisti si punkeri de moda veche, sunt absolut sigur ca le-ar placea albumul. Sincer, nu imi vine in minte niciun motiv pentru care sa nu o faca. Daca, insa, vorbim de vreun amarat care crede ca Bullet for My Valentine e metal si Blink 182 e punk… atunci s-ar putea sa fie o problema.
La Baza Gatului: Daca ai fi jurnalist, ce nota ai acorda albumului Nocturnal Neanderthals (pe o scala de la 0 la 10) si de ce?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Cred ca mi-ar fi placut albumul pentru atitudinea sa draceasca si pentru nivelul intens de energie. Cred ca l-as fi notat cu un… 7! Ca sa fiu sincer pana la capat, albumul putea fi mult mai bun, daca am fi petrecut mai mult timp in studioul de inregistrari si am fi fost putin mai treji atunci cand l-am inregistrat, numai ca noi nu lucram asa. Ne place sa facem lucrurile fara sa ne gandim foarte mult inainte. E mai amuzant si iese mai bine… Dupa parerea mea, un album este marturia unei perioade de timp limitate. Daca petreci o vesnicie sa inregistrezi, rescrii, sa te razgandesti, atunci produsul final nu va mai avea nicio farama de spontaneitate si energie, iar eu tocmai asta vreau sa pastrez.

La Baza Gatului: Ce poti sa imi spui despre conceptul liric al ultimului vostru album de studio haha? Ce e cu toti neandertalii, aurolacii, tarfele si rechinii aceia? Ca o favoare personala, imi poti spune ce naiba e aceea o Piss Piñata?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Unele piese fac trimitere la povesti adevarate, cum ar fi "Ota Benga", in care este vorba despre un pigmeu care a fost rapit din Congo-ul Belgian la inceputul secolului trecut si apoi expediat in Staele Unite, unde a fost expus in Gradina Zoologica din Bronx. "Victim # 13" se refera la soarta groaznica a unui tanar pe nume Konerak Sintasomophone. A fost cea dea treisprezecea victima a criminalului in serie Jeffrey Dahmer. Bineinteles ca si cele 12 victime dinaintea sa au suferit morti groaznice marca “Dahmer”, insa ce face povestea lui Konerak mai speciala este faptul ca el chiar a reusit sa scape din apartamentul lui Dahmer. Ba chiar a intalnit si niste ofiteri de politie in noaptea aceea, insa ei l-au escortat inapoi la apartamentul lui Jeffrey si in ghearele mortii. O alta piesa care face referire la evenimente reale este "The Bible and The Beatles". Este vorba despre Charles Manson si infama sa "Familie", insa nu are legatura cu renumitele crime ale lui Tate si LaBinacha, care au avut loc in 1969. Este vorba mai mult despre teoria “helter skelter” a lui Manson. El a dorit sa declanseze un razboi rasial intre negri si albi. Asta a si fost motivul pentru care a ucis-o pe Sharon Tate si pe ceilalti. A sperat ca va declansa iadul pe pamant si avea in plan ca el si “familia” sa sa se ascunda intr-un oras subteran in timp ce deasupra se desfasoara ostilitatile. Apoi, dupa ce negrii vor fi castigat si vor fi realizat ca sunt incapabili sa conducal umea, Manson ar fi iesit la suprafata si ar fi devenit liderul mondial. O predictie fascinanta a unei minti bolnave. Celelalte compozitii sunt despre idioti beti, retardati, prostie, ura de sine si despre comportament urat, in general. Am adaugat si anumite elemente “romantice” prin piese precum "Horrified and Horny" si "Fuckher". Haha. O Piñata e o traditie mexicana. Cred ca stii deja ca este vorba despre o figurina din carton acoperita cu franjuri de hartie. Aceasta contine o gramada de bomboane si altfel de dulciuri si copiii o pocnesc cu betele pana cand se rupe si cad din ea toate bomboanele. E o chestie de mare succes la zile de nastere si asa mai departe… "Piss Piñata" este despre un tip pe care il cunoaste. Cand e beat se pisa invariabil in pat. Atat el cat si tarfa nefericita care are ghinionul sa doarma langa el sunt condamnati sa se trezeasca uzi fleasca. Nu e exceptie de la regula asta. Tipul este cu adevarat un “Fat Frumos”, insa se pisa intotdeauna in pat.

La Baza Gatului: Cand vine vorba despre creativitate muzicala, Norvegia sta intotdeauna in frunte. Care e explicatia pentru multitudinea asta de proiecte, trupe si albume bune?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Chiar nu stiu… ce stiu precis este faptul ca generatia NOASTRA a faocut din Norvegia o tara foarte buna din punct de vedere muzical. Cand eram eu adolenscent, Norvegia era varza. Nu aveam nimic. Am avut cateva trupe bune de punk, insa in anii ’80 nu au existat decat vreo doua formatii despre care merita sa amintim si care au cantat un metal bun. TNT era heavy metal, Equinox era thrash, Cadaver era death metal si Mayhem era haosul pur. Scena metal nu a existat pana cand “generatia Kiss” nu a crescut si a inceput sac ante. Apoi BOOM! Dintr-o data au aparut formatii precum Darkthrone, Enslaved, Emperor, Immortal si asa mai departe... Ce a facut aceste trupe a fost faptul ca fiecare si-a dezvoltat propriul sound. Toti au fost inspirati in mod evident de trupe straine, in special de Bahory, insa, cu toate acestea, fiecare dintre ele a avut ceva unic. Si in anii ’90 au aparut cateva trupe bune. Turbonegro au devenit mari. Glucifer a editat cateva albume fantastice si multe alte trupe au aparut. Presupun ca asta s-a intamplat pentru ca generatia respective a avut o dieta muzicala sanatoasa, bazata pe heavy metal. Bineinteles ca unii s-au apucat sa joace fotbal, insa muzica a fost ocupatia principala pentru copiii care au crescut in anii ’70 si ’80.
La Baza Gatului: Ce parere ai despre scena metal actuala in general si despre cea norvegiana in special?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Parerea mea este ca underground-ul e viu si ca trupele mainstream nu servesc decat ca vehicole pcare transporta lumea catre metal-ul adevarat. Asa cum KISS m-a ajutat pe mine cand eram pustan, asa comerciali si moi cum erau ei la finalul anilo ’70, insa ei au constituit biletul meu spre o viata de metalist. Acesta este motivul pentru care nu ma intereseaza foarte tare trupele care sunt acum pe val si care ajung sa fie transformate in zei si laudate in reviste precum Metal Hammer. Tinerii au nevoie de trupe precum Trivium, Killswitch Engage, Slipknot si restul de formatii de rahat. Mai tarziu ei vor descoperi, poate, ce inseamna metalul adevarat. Acestea fiind spuse, acum nu cred ca mai exista diferente notabile intre scena metal in general si cea norvegiana. A existat o diferenta ENORMA in anii ’90 si in prima jumatate a anilor 2000, dar acum s-a estimpat. Acum exista trupe americane care suna mai norvegian decat cele din Norvegia. Dimmu Borgir este una dintre cele mai importante trupe de acum, insa pentru mine singurul lucru care ii mai leaga de Norvegia sunt pasapoartele. Luptatorii underground devotati si pionierii del la Darkthrone au adoptat o atitudine crust/punk care nu are nicio legatura cu Norvegia. Enslaved canta progresiv, Mayhem sunt in continuare absolut dusi cu capul. Immortal traiesc in propriul iad Blashyrkh si cred ca ei sunt singurii care au ramas devotati propriului sound. Norvegia, insa, nu inseamna numai trupele astea de black metal stravechi. Devil, Deathhammer, Waklevören, Obliteration, Okkultokrati, Kvelertak, Haust si multi altii canta rock sau metal calitativ. Albumul “Divinity of Death” al celor de la Nekromantheon este, fara niciun dubiu, una dintre cele mai misto trupe de thrash de scoala veche din zilele noastre. Nu mai vorbesc despre thrasherii urati de la Aura Noir, care in curand vor edita un nou album de studio.

La Baza Gatului: Crezi in bine si rau?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Da, cred ca binele si raul salasluiesc in oameni.
La Baza Gatului: Actorii europeni viseaza sa ajunga la Hollywood. Ce viseaza muzicienii europeni?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Nu stiu… sa aiba parte de multe “pasarici”? Sa cante live sis a vanda o gramada de albume pe continentul lor e o stea care streluceste la mare departare. Unii sunt destul de norocosi sa realizeze si asta, insa restul de amarati precum noi sunt blestemati sa strabata Europa in dube distruse sis a cante pentru punkeri soiosi in diferite cluburi mai mult sau mai putin de rahat… Insa stii ce? Nu e rau deloc. Ii zice rock!
La Baza Gatului: Avand in vedere cat sunteti de creativi, sa ne asteptam anul asta la cel putin doua noi albume de studio haha? Ce se mai intampla cu Blood Tsunami, celalalt proiect in care sunteti implicati tu si Bard?
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Hehe… dupa cum ti-am spus, Mongo Ninja a luat decizia sa ia o mica pauza de la bombardamentul cu albume de studio si sa se concentreze, mai degraba, pe concertele date in afara granitelor norvegiene, asta inainte de a ne imbata prea tare. In ceea ce priveste Blood Tsunami, am inceput de curand sa repetam niste piese noi. Trupa a luat o pauza de un an si ceva. Piesele noi suna beton. Planul ar fi sa inregistram un demo in curand si apoi sa inregistram un nou album de studio.

La Baza Gatului: iti multumesc foarte mult pentru colaborare. Ultimele cuvinte iti apartin.
Peter Kolstad Vegem: Placerea a fost de partea mea. Hmm, ultimele cuvinte? Naaah, cumparati albumele Mongo Ninja si dezlantuiti iadul. Acum, hai sa ne imbatam!
Cu bine!
miercuri, 2 februarie 2011
Interview with Erlend Hjelvik (Kvelertak)
La Baza Gatului: When I looked for information about the other bands or projects you’ve been involved into before Kvelertak, I couldn’t find anything. What do you think we should know?
Erlend Hjelvik: We haven’t really played in any proper bands before Kvelertak, mostly hobby based bands like Kvelertak was in the beginning. That’s probably why!
La Baza Gatului: How did you come to founding Kvelertak? What does Kvelertak mean and how did you choose this name?
Erlend Hjelvik: Kvelertak means chokehold in Norwegian. Really no other reason than that it sounds good and is straight to the point. Sentence band names are usually not good.

La Baza Gatului: Why are you singing in Norwegian? Do your lyrics contain any important secrets or magic formulae haha the rest of the world must not find out about?
Erlend Hjelvik: No other reason than that it’s the language I speak daily; also I think it sounds better with Norwegian vocals instead of bad English. There are enough bands who sing in English already.
La Baza Gatului: Who are those two girls on the cover of your album? Are they owl worshippers or something? What idea does the cover of the album intend to transmit?
Erlend Hjelvik: The two girls are from the mystical coven in Offernatt. I guess you could say they are owl worshippers. They are also Thor’s rams. I basically just sent John Baizley an email telling him the contents of the lyrics, and he somehow incorporated almost everything in the cover.

La Baza Gatului: When released your debut album, did you expect the press and the fans to appreciate it so much?
Erlend Hjelvik: We knew it was going to be good record once we found out we we’re recording with Kurt Ballou and John Baizley was making the cover, but we never expected it to do as well as it’s doing!
La Baza Gatului: If we would meet in a record store and I had money to buy only one CD, how would you convince me to buy Kvelertak? Would you by any chance use a miniature Thor’s Hammer haha?
Erlend Hjelvik: I would just say that you could download it first, and if you like it you should buy it. Also I would hit you in the head with a miniature Thor’s Hammer till I changed your mind.

La Baza Gatului: On a more serious note, what are, in your opinion, your album’s strongest points?
Erlend Hjelvik: I think the strongest points of the album are the production and the songwriting. It’s catchy and heavy at the same time.
La Baza Gatului: If you would be a journalist, how would you rate it (on a scale from 0 to 10) and why?
Erlend Hjelvik: I’ll leave the reviews to the journalists!

La Baza Gatului: When it comes to musical creativity, Norway certainly stays somewhere in the front. What is the explanation for this multitude of projects, bands and very good albums?
Erlend Hjelvik: I don’t know, I guess we just got good taste! Also we’re pretty isolated, I guess that also helps.
La Baza Gatului: You are renowned for your energy when playing live. Where do you get it? I heard you telling someone from a publication that half of the band has the ADHD syndrome haha.
Erlend Hjelvik: Yeah, they do, but the rest of us just have a switch that goes on while playing. I don’t know where it comes from as I’m a pretty lazy guy in bad shape. It’s weird. I guess the music makes me do it.
La Baza Gatului: What are your main sources of inspiration?
Erlend Hjelvik: Everything! All from hanging out with my friends to listening to good music. It all goes down the kitchen sink.

La Baza Gatului: Do you manage to make a living out of music or do you have to keep your regular jobs?
Erlend Hjelvik: We luckily don’t have time for regular jobs anymore as we’re pretty much always on the road. Right now we make just enough to pay the rent. We’re not complaining!
La Baza Gatului: What are your musical future plans?
Erlend Hjelvik: Play as much live as possible, then make a new album!

La Baza Gatului: Is there any other question you would have liked me to ask you? If yes, please answer that question.
Erlend Hjelvik: What is your favorite colour? Green.
La Baza Gatului: Thanks for the opportunity of making this interview. The final words are yours.
Erlend Hjelvik: Stay in school, kids!
Erlend Hjelvik: We haven’t really played in any proper bands before Kvelertak, mostly hobby based bands like Kvelertak was in the beginning. That’s probably why!
La Baza Gatului: How did you come to founding Kvelertak? What does Kvelertak mean and how did you choose this name?
Erlend Hjelvik: Kvelertak means chokehold in Norwegian. Really no other reason than that it sounds good and is straight to the point. Sentence band names are usually not good.

La Baza Gatului: Why are you singing in Norwegian? Do your lyrics contain any important secrets or magic formulae haha the rest of the world must not find out about?
Erlend Hjelvik: No other reason than that it’s the language I speak daily; also I think it sounds better with Norwegian vocals instead of bad English. There are enough bands who sing in English already.
La Baza Gatului: Who are those two girls on the cover of your album? Are they owl worshippers or something? What idea does the cover of the album intend to transmit?
Erlend Hjelvik: The two girls are from the mystical coven in Offernatt. I guess you could say they are owl worshippers. They are also Thor’s rams. I basically just sent John Baizley an email telling him the contents of the lyrics, and he somehow incorporated almost everything in the cover.

La Baza Gatului: When released your debut album, did you expect the press and the fans to appreciate it so much?
Erlend Hjelvik: We knew it was going to be good record once we found out we we’re recording with Kurt Ballou and John Baizley was making the cover, but we never expected it to do as well as it’s doing!
La Baza Gatului: If we would meet in a record store and I had money to buy only one CD, how would you convince me to buy Kvelertak? Would you by any chance use a miniature Thor’s Hammer haha?
Erlend Hjelvik: I would just say that you could download it first, and if you like it you should buy it. Also I would hit you in the head with a miniature Thor’s Hammer till I changed your mind.

La Baza Gatului: On a more serious note, what are, in your opinion, your album’s strongest points?
Erlend Hjelvik: I think the strongest points of the album are the production and the songwriting. It’s catchy and heavy at the same time.
La Baza Gatului: If you would be a journalist, how would you rate it (on a scale from 0 to 10) and why?
Erlend Hjelvik: I’ll leave the reviews to the journalists!

La Baza Gatului: When it comes to musical creativity, Norway certainly stays somewhere in the front. What is the explanation for this multitude of projects, bands and very good albums?
Erlend Hjelvik: I don’t know, I guess we just got good taste! Also we’re pretty isolated, I guess that also helps.
La Baza Gatului: You are renowned for your energy when playing live. Where do you get it? I heard you telling someone from a publication that half of the band has the ADHD syndrome haha.
Erlend Hjelvik: Yeah, they do, but the rest of us just have a switch that goes on while playing. I don’t know where it comes from as I’m a pretty lazy guy in bad shape. It’s weird. I guess the music makes me do it.
La Baza Gatului: What are your main sources of inspiration?
Erlend Hjelvik: Everything! All from hanging out with my friends to listening to good music. It all goes down the kitchen sink.

La Baza Gatului: Do you manage to make a living out of music or do you have to keep your regular jobs?
Erlend Hjelvik: We luckily don’t have time for regular jobs anymore as we’re pretty much always on the road. Right now we make just enough to pay the rent. We’re not complaining!
La Baza Gatului: What are your musical future plans?
Erlend Hjelvik: Play as much live as possible, then make a new album!

La Baza Gatului: Is there any other question you would have liked me to ask you? If yes, please answer that question.
Erlend Hjelvik: What is your favorite colour? Green.
La Baza Gatului: Thanks for the opportunity of making this interview. The final words are yours.
Erlend Hjelvik: Stay in school, kids!
Interviu cu Erlend Hjelvik (Kvelertak)
English version HERE.
La Baza Gatului: Cand am cautat informatii despre trupele sau proiectele in care ati fost implicate inainte de Kvelertak, nu am gasit nimic. Ce ar fi de stiut?
Erlend Hjelvik: Nu am cantat in nicio trupa serioasa inainte de Kvelertak, ci in formatii care functionau mai mult ca un hobby, asa cum si aceasta a fost initial. Probabil ca asta e cauza pentru care nu ai auzit nimic!
La Baza Gatului: Cum ati infiintat Kvelertak? Ce inseamna Kvelertak si de ce ati ales acest nume pentru trupa?
Erlend Hjelvik: Kvelertak inseamna "la baza gatului" in limba norvegiana. Nu avem alt motiv decat ca suna bine si e la obiect. Numele de trupe sub forma de propozitii nu ne plac.

La Baza Gatului: De ce cantati in norvegiana? Contin oare versurile voastre formule magice sau secrete pe care restul lumii nu ar trebui sa le afle haha?
Erlend Hjelvik: Nu e alt motiv decat acela ca este limba pe care o vorbesc zi de zi; de asemenea, consider ca suna mai bine cu texte in norvegiana decat intr-o engleza indoielnica. Si asa sunt destule trupe care canta in limba engleza.
La Baza Gatului: Cine sunt cele doua fete de pe coperta albumului? Sunt cumva persoane care venereaza bufnite? Ce idee incearca sa transmita coperta albumului?
Erlend Hjelvik: Cele doua fete vin de la intalnirea mistica a vrajitoarelor care are loc in Noaptea Sacrificiilor. Cred ca se poate spune ca venereaza bufnite. Sunt, de asemenea, caprioarele lui Thor. De fapt i-am trimis lui John Baizley un e-mail in care i-am povestit despre ce e vorba in texte si el a reusit cumva sa incorporeze totul in aceasta coperta.

La Baza Gatului: Cand ati editat albumul de debut, v-ati asteptat ca presa si fanii sa il aprecieze atat de mult?
Erlend Hjelvik: Am stiut ca va fi un album bun din momentul in care am aflat ca vom lucra cu producatorul Kurt Ballou si John Baizley se va ocupa de coperta, dar nu ne-am asteptat sa avem parte de reactii atat de favorabile!
La Baza Gatului: Daca ne-am intalni intr-un magazin de muzica si as avea bani doar pentru un CD, cum m-ai convinge sa cumpar Kvelertak? Ai folosi cumva un ciocan al lui Thor in miniatura haha?
Erlend Hjelvik: Mai intai ti-as recomanda sa il downloadezi si apoi, daca iti place, sa il achizitionezi. De asemenea, te-as lovi in cap cu un ciocan al lui Thor in miniatura pana te-as determina sa il cumperi.

La Baza Gatului: Pe un ton mai serios, care sunt, dupa tine, punctele forte ale albumului vostru?
Erlend Hjelvik: Cred ca punctele forte stau in productie si in maniera in care au fost compuse piesele. Albumul este si catchy si heavy in acelasi timp.
La Baza Gatului: Daca ai fi ziarist, ce nota i-ai acorda (de la 1 la 10) si de ce?
Erlend Hjelvik: Las mai bine ziaristii sa il recenzeze!

La Baza Gatului: Cand vine vorba de creativitate muzicala, Norvegia sta undeva in avanposturi. Care e explicatia pentru multitudinea de de proiecte, trupe si atatea albume reusite?
Erlend Hjelvik: Nu stiu, cred ca avem gusturi bune! De asemenea, suntem oarecum izolati, si cred ca si asta ajuta.
La Baza Gatului: Sunteti renumiti pentru energia cu care cantata live. De unde provine? Te-am auzit spunand cuiva de la o publicatie ca jumatate din trupa sufera de sindromul ADHD haha.
Erlend Hjelvik: Da, sufera, iar cealalta jumatate avem un soi de buton care se declanseaza cand cantam live. Nu stiu de unde provine energia, mai ales ca eu sunt un tip lenes in forma proasta. E dubios. Cred ca muzica ma face sa ma comport asa.

La Baza Gatului: Ce surse de inspiratie aveti?
Erlend Hjelvik: Totul! De la iesirile cu prietenii mei pana la muzica buna pe care o ascult. Totul vine pe teava!
La Baza Gatului: Reusiti sa traiti din muzica sau e nevoie sa va pastrati slujbele zilnice?
Erlend Hjelvik: Din fericire nu avem timp pentru slujbe, pentru ca suntem mai tot timpul pe drum. In momentul de fata castigam cat sa ne putem plati chiria. Nu ne plangem!
La Baza Gatului: Ce planuri muzicale de viitor aveti?
Erlend Hjelvik: Sa cantam live cat de mult putem si sa editam un nou album de studio!

La Baza Gatului: E vreo intrebare pe care ai fi vrut sa ti-o adresez si nu am facut-o? Daca da, raspunde, te rog, la ea!
Erlend Hjelvik: Care e culoarea ta preferata? Verde.
La Baza Gatului: Iti multumesc pentru oportunitatea de a face acest interviu. Ultimele cuvinte iti apartin.
Erlend Hjelvik: Stati la scoala, copii!
La Baza Gatului: Cand am cautat informatii despre trupele sau proiectele in care ati fost implicate inainte de Kvelertak, nu am gasit nimic. Ce ar fi de stiut?
Erlend Hjelvik: Nu am cantat in nicio trupa serioasa inainte de Kvelertak, ci in formatii care functionau mai mult ca un hobby, asa cum si aceasta a fost initial. Probabil ca asta e cauza pentru care nu ai auzit nimic!
La Baza Gatului: Cum ati infiintat Kvelertak? Ce inseamna Kvelertak si de ce ati ales acest nume pentru trupa?
Erlend Hjelvik: Kvelertak inseamna "la baza gatului" in limba norvegiana. Nu avem alt motiv decat ca suna bine si e la obiect. Numele de trupe sub forma de propozitii nu ne plac.

La Baza Gatului: De ce cantati in norvegiana? Contin oare versurile voastre formule magice sau secrete pe care restul lumii nu ar trebui sa le afle haha?
Erlend Hjelvik: Nu e alt motiv decat acela ca este limba pe care o vorbesc zi de zi; de asemenea, consider ca suna mai bine cu texte in norvegiana decat intr-o engleza indoielnica. Si asa sunt destule trupe care canta in limba engleza.
La Baza Gatului: Cine sunt cele doua fete de pe coperta albumului? Sunt cumva persoane care venereaza bufnite? Ce idee incearca sa transmita coperta albumului?
Erlend Hjelvik: Cele doua fete vin de la intalnirea mistica a vrajitoarelor care are loc in Noaptea Sacrificiilor. Cred ca se poate spune ca venereaza bufnite. Sunt, de asemenea, caprioarele lui Thor. De fapt i-am trimis lui John Baizley un e-mail in care i-am povestit despre ce e vorba in texte si el a reusit cumva sa incorporeze totul in aceasta coperta.

La Baza Gatului: Cand ati editat albumul de debut, v-ati asteptat ca presa si fanii sa il aprecieze atat de mult?
Erlend Hjelvik: Am stiut ca va fi un album bun din momentul in care am aflat ca vom lucra cu producatorul Kurt Ballou si John Baizley se va ocupa de coperta, dar nu ne-am asteptat sa avem parte de reactii atat de favorabile!
La Baza Gatului: Daca ne-am intalni intr-un magazin de muzica si as avea bani doar pentru un CD, cum m-ai convinge sa cumpar Kvelertak? Ai folosi cumva un ciocan al lui Thor in miniatura haha?
Erlend Hjelvik: Mai intai ti-as recomanda sa il downloadezi si apoi, daca iti place, sa il achizitionezi. De asemenea, te-as lovi in cap cu un ciocan al lui Thor in miniatura pana te-as determina sa il cumperi.

La Baza Gatului: Pe un ton mai serios, care sunt, dupa tine, punctele forte ale albumului vostru?
Erlend Hjelvik: Cred ca punctele forte stau in productie si in maniera in care au fost compuse piesele. Albumul este si catchy si heavy in acelasi timp.
La Baza Gatului: Daca ai fi ziarist, ce nota i-ai acorda (de la 1 la 10) si de ce?
Erlend Hjelvik: Las mai bine ziaristii sa il recenzeze!

La Baza Gatului: Cand vine vorba de creativitate muzicala, Norvegia sta undeva in avanposturi. Care e explicatia pentru multitudinea de de proiecte, trupe si atatea albume reusite?
Erlend Hjelvik: Nu stiu, cred ca avem gusturi bune! De asemenea, suntem oarecum izolati, si cred ca si asta ajuta.
La Baza Gatului: Sunteti renumiti pentru energia cu care cantata live. De unde provine? Te-am auzit spunand cuiva de la o publicatie ca jumatate din trupa sufera de sindromul ADHD haha.
Erlend Hjelvik: Da, sufera, iar cealalta jumatate avem un soi de buton care se declanseaza cand cantam live. Nu stiu de unde provine energia, mai ales ca eu sunt un tip lenes in forma proasta. E dubios. Cred ca muzica ma face sa ma comport asa.

La Baza Gatului: Ce surse de inspiratie aveti?
Erlend Hjelvik: Totul! De la iesirile cu prietenii mei pana la muzica buna pe care o ascult. Totul vine pe teava!
La Baza Gatului: Reusiti sa traiti din muzica sau e nevoie sa va pastrati slujbele zilnice?
Erlend Hjelvik: Din fericire nu avem timp pentru slujbe, pentru ca suntem mai tot timpul pe drum. In momentul de fata castigam cat sa ne putem plati chiria. Nu ne plangem!
La Baza Gatului: Ce planuri muzicale de viitor aveti?
Erlend Hjelvik: Sa cantam live cat de mult putem si sa editam un nou album de studio!

La Baza Gatului: E vreo intrebare pe care ai fi vrut sa ti-o adresez si nu am facut-o? Daca da, raspunde, te rog, la ea!
Erlend Hjelvik: Care e culoarea ta preferata? Verde.
La Baza Gatului: Iti multumesc pentru oportunitatea de a face acest interviu. Ultimele cuvinte iti apartin.
Erlend Hjelvik: Stati la scoala, copii!
Black September - The Forbidden Gates Beyond (2010) - Iconoclast Records
Cand am creat acest blog, una dintre primele promisiuni pe care mi le-am facut a fost ca nu voi "vota" niciodata cu metalul female-fronted, ba chiar i-am facut aceasta promisiune si fratelui meu intru metal la baza gatului, Bolo.
Cu tot regretul aferent, sunt nevoit sa incalc aceasta promisiune acum, la inceput de 2011, motivul fiind albumul de debut al trupei americane Black September.
Muzica existenta pe The Forbidden Gates Beyond este un blackened death metal destul de atipic pentru continentul american, foarte dinamic si intunecat, extrem de heavy si balansat, beneficiind de o partitura de chitara cu panatie in genul celei existente si la trupa Watain, de exemplu.
Un alt atu al albumului de fata este si prezenta in spatele microfonului a lui Jen Pickett (o domnisoara altminteri delicata), ale carei vocalize feroce se potrivesc de minune cu muzica existenta pe disc. Trebuie sa recunosc ca initial nici nu mi-am dat seama ca este o femeie la voce.
Productia albumului, desi clara, este destul de aglomerata si confera albumului un foarte frumos iz primitiv.
Membrii trupei:
Jen Pickett - voce
Chris McMorrow - chitara
J. Meyer - chitara
Adam Blann - bas
T. Nickels - tobe
Cu tot regretul aferent, sunt nevoit sa incalc aceasta promisiune acum, la inceput de 2011, motivul fiind albumul de debut al trupei americane Black September.
Muzica existenta pe The Forbidden Gates Beyond este un blackened death metal destul de atipic pentru continentul american, foarte dinamic si intunecat, extrem de heavy si balansat, beneficiind de o partitura de chitara cu panatie in genul celei existente si la trupa Watain, de exemplu.
Un alt atu al albumului de fata este si prezenta in spatele microfonului a lui Jen Pickett (o domnisoara altminteri delicata), ale carei vocalize feroce se potrivesc de minune cu muzica existenta pe disc. Trebuie sa recunosc ca initial nici nu mi-am dat seama ca este o femeie la voce.
Productia albumului, desi clara, este destul de aglomerata si confera albumului un foarte frumos iz primitiv.
Membrii trupei:
Jen Pickett - voce
Chris McMorrow - chitara
J. Meyer - chitara
Adam Blann - bas
T. Nickels - tobe

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