vineri, 17 iunie 2011

Execration - Odes of the Occult (2011) - Duplicate Records

Ia uite ca mama Norvegie stie sa ne dea si death metal de calitate, d-ala old school, cum nu se mai face, namolos, feroce, doomy, cu voci cavernoase de ti se scoala parul pe maini si te uiti in spate sa vezi cine se uita la tine ranjind.

Cei doi vocali (ambii presteaza si la chitara), fac o treaba senzationala, urla, haraie, galgaie, soptesc, trec prin toate registrele umane si inumane, astfel incat fac sa-l treaca pe ascultator toate transpiratiile alea reci.

Abia ascultand acest album mi-am dat seama cat de mult s-au schimbat Autopsy cu trecerea anilor. Nu exista nimic fals, artificial, comercial, supraprodus la acest album. Death metal old-school la superlativ.

1. Ode to Obscurity
2. Unction
3. Entheogen
4. Intermezzo I
5. A Crutch For Consolation
6 Soul Maggot
7. Grains
8. Obsession
9. Intermezzo II
10. Left In Scorn
11. High Priest

Membrii trupei:
Jørgen Maristuen - voce, chitara
Chris Johansen - voce, chitara
Jonas Helgemo - bass
Cato Syversrud - tobe


Interview with Martin Schulman (Demonical)

La Baza Gatului: Hello and welcome. What are, in your opinion, the highlights of Demonical’s career so far?
Martin Schulman: Hails!! The making & release of “Death Infernal” is so far the highlight.

La Baza Gatului: Three of the members of the band come from Centinex. What does Demonical possess that Centinex lacked?
Martin Schulman: The old-school vibe, stonehard determination and burning dedication.

La Baza Gatului: During your career, have you ever felt frustrated or disappointed to the verge of abandoning the metal scene and starting doing something else?
Martin Schulman: No, never. Of course, sometimes things piss you of or make you disappointed, but never so much that it makes you think of quitting.

La Baza Gatului: If we would meet in a record store and I had money to buy only one CD, how would you convince me to buy your latest album?
Martin Schulman: First I would get you drunk and shitfaced, then it would be an easy task.

La Baza Gatului: What are, in your opinion, the strongest points of your latest studio album, Death Infernal?
Martin Schulman: Everything. The whole package, the riffs, the tracks, the sound, the whole shit!

La Baza Gatului: If you would be a journalist, how would you rate it (on a scale from 0 to 10) and why?
Martin Schulman: I would give it a 10 of course. Why? *Cos it deserves it way more than some gay and shitty sing-along “metal albums”.

La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about the lyrical concept of your latest studio album?
Martin Schulman: We worship darkness, death, war and fire so I think you understand what the lyrics are all about…

La Baza Gatului: How about your collaboration with my fellow citizen, Costin Chioreanu? Is he an easy guy to work with? Tell me more about the video you filmed together.
Martin Schulman: Costin is THE man! I have been in touch with him since 2004 or something, from the Centinex times, during the years he has done tons of covers, posters, designs, adds etc for all the bands I have been involved in.
We did a video for one of the tracks from the previous “Hellsworn” album and that clip was edited by Costin (we had filmed everything ourselves, live clips etc.) so from there the idea came that he should do the entire shit for one of the new tracks. Costin and his friend came to Stockholm in April and we recorded the “Ravenous” clip at various places around the Swedish capital, the video turned out fucking awesome and we are utterly satisfied. Btw, Costin has also done the entire cover & booklet design for the latest album.

La Baza Gatului: What is your opinion about the actual metal scene in general and the Swedish one in special?
Martin Schulman: What should I say… I think in order for me to answer this you have to define the word “scene”. There are good and true persons, followers, supporters, individuals and comrades (no matter if they play in a band, run a label or arrange shows) but there are about one thousand times more morons and posers. Worldwide.

La Baza Gatului: Do you manage to make a living out of music or have to keep a job apart from that?
Martin Schulman: We do have other jobs, sometimes, that pays our bills.

La Baza Gatului: What was the highest point of your career and what was the lowest?
Martin Schulman: Highest, so far, is the release of “Death Infernal”. Lowest? Don’t know really….

La Baza Gatului: Do you feel accomplished both as a musician and as a human being?
Martin Schulman: No. If I would I could shoot myself as then there would be no reason for me to stay here anymore.

La Baza Gatului: What about your future plans?
Martin Schulman: Touring and spreading the madness and propaganda.

La Baza Gatului: Is there any question you would have liked me to ask you and I haven’t? If yes, please answer that question.
Martin Schulman: When will you play in Romania? In November this year, as part of our East-European tour.

La Baza Gatului: Thanks a lot for your time. The final words are yours.
Martin Schulman: Thanx for your support. See you in hell!!

Supreme Pain - Divine Incarnation (2011) - Massacre Records

Desi canta de doar 5 ani, Supreme Pain s-au dovedit a fi o trupa extrem de prolifica, Divine Incarnation fiind cel de-al treilea album de studio al olandezilor. Faptul ca in spatele microfonului este suparatul Aad Kloosterwaard, un nene rutinat in trupe precum Sinister si Houwitser, nu poate fi decat garantia unui foarte reusit album de manios death metal.
Productia este, de asemenea, una foarte solida si, totodata, un motiv in plus sa nu ocoliti acest album.

01. Dawn of a New Era - 1:26
02. The Dark Army - 3:59
03. Damned Creation - 5:36
04. Treasonous Disease - 5:47
05. Trapped in Heresy - 6:27
06. Spiritual Sickness - 4:27
07. Divine Incarnation - 4:47
08. Putrefied Beauty - 3:50
09. The Fallen Kingdom - 4:53
10. Towards Hell - 6:18

Membrii trupei:
Aad Kloosterwaard - voce
Erwin Harreman - chitara
Bas Brussard - chitara
Alesa Sare - bas
Paul Beltman - tobe

Supreme Pain @ MySpace

vineri, 10 iunie 2011

Interview with Patrick Mameli (Pestilence)

La Baza Gatului: When did you start playing music and when did you realize that this was going to be your “path”?
Patrick Mameli: I think I was 4 years old and I knew I was going to be a rockstar hahahah....In 1986 I started Pestilence and now we're in 2011 and still going strong with Doctrine. Amazing how my life is going.

La Baza Gatului: On the first two albums of the band, Martin Van Drunen was behind the mic, while you performed both the guitar and the bass parts. When did you make the decision of becoming the vocalist of Pestilence and why?
Patrick Mameli: I was already singing on the first 2 demos so I felt really comfortable in using my voice as an instrument. Martin was just very unprofessional and an alcoholic back then, that I had to fire him. We still are not on speaking terms because he's still ignorant to his past.

La Baza Gatului: Some people consider Pestilence to be a cult band. What does, in your opinion, make a band become a cult band? Do you see Pestilence as a cult band for the death metal scene?
Patrick Mameli: I really see Pestilence as a strong brand with lots of potential and a true style. A cult band is a band that stands out and I really think we do stand out!

(Promo Photo by Stefan Schipper)

La Baza Gatului: Starting with Testimony of the Ancients and, later on, with Spheres, your music took a more technical, experimental turn? Since you are the composer of Pestilence’s music, could you tell me what made you pursue that path?
Patrick Mameli: I guess that I’ve always wanted to be unique and different about music and composing. I really value the way I think about song structure and have always tried to find people with equal knowledge and talent to reproduce my music.
I don't know why I do what I do, but it's my destiny to try to be the best I can be in what I do: playing extreme music!

La Baza Gatului: Is it true that this courageous, avangardistic approach on music deteriorated your relationship with Roadrunner Records and determined some of the fans to turn their backs on Pestilence?
Patrick Mameli: Yes, it really did. I felt a prisoner under this contract and tried to get out of it by making an unpopular album called Spheres, to frustrate Roadrunner.

La Baza Gatului: Have you ever thought that maybe the people back then were not prepared for your music, that maybe Pestilence was ahead of its time?
Patrick Mameli: It's always sad for an artist to be misunderstood and this is what happened with Pestilence. But we face the same problem with Doctrine. Some people just don't get it.

La Baza Gatului: 1993 was a strange year in music, with some albums that could have lead to the demise of the death metal scene as we knew it (I’m thinking about Pestilence – Spheres, Atheist – Elements, Cynic – Focus, Morgoth - Odium). What do you think happened?
Patrick Mameli: Just an overflow of death metal presented to the masses, which created a sort of numbness that almost caused the death of our genre.

La Baza Gatului: There was a 16 years break Between Spheres and Resurrection Macabre. What did you do all this time? Was it hard for you to stay away from the music scene?
Patrick Mameli: It was great to stay away from the bullshit, the whining, the constant criticism of the scene and shit like that. People don't realize what a band has to go through to get a deal, to record and to release. And then to be puked out by so called death metal fans!
Just read blabbermouth and you will understand goddamned!!

La Baza Gatului: On Resurrection Macabre, Tony Choy took care of the bass parts, while Peter Wildoer was behind the drum kit. Why didn’t you keep them on Doctrine also?
Patrick Mameli: Because this line up is so much better for Pestilence. Without logistic problems or money issues.

La Baza Gatului: What idea did you have in mind when started to compose Doctrine? Do you tend to plan things, or would you rather let them evolve naturally?
Patrick Mameli: Everything I do is a natural progression from my musical past. Doctrine is a natural progression from everything I have done in the past.

La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about the lyrical concept of your latest studio album? Would you mind making a short track by track presentation?
Patrick Mameli: We really want to have people create their own opinion about the lyrics, so I don't want to comment on those!!!

La Baza Gatului: Doctrine is, probably, the best produced/mixed Pestilence album ever. Who took care of the job?
Patrick Mameli: It's actually one of the best produced death albums of all times!!! V. Santura is the bad boy!!! Of course I produced the album again myself to preserve the Pestilence sound and style.

La Baza Gatului: If we would meet in a record store and I have money to buy only one album, how would you convince me to buy Doctrine?
Patrick Mameli: Not, I want you to give me the money so can go to Mac D. to buy me a Double Bacon Cheese Burger Menu with a big Sprite!

La Baza Gatului: If you were a journalist, how would you rate it (on a scale from 1 to 10) and why?
Patrick Mameli: I would give it a 9 because the new Pestilence (Unfriend) album needs a 10!!

La Baza Gatului: I know you have two sons (which are very funny, from what I saw on Facebook). Provided they understand what their daddy does for a living and you let them listen to your music, what is their opinion about Pestilence?
Patrick Mameli: I wish they would continue Pestilence for me and create new brutal sounds for the masses. One can only hope for the best!!!

La Baza Gatului: I heard you are a big fan of football. One of my fellow countrymen, Mihai Nesu, who is a player for FC Utrecht, recently suffered a serious injury that could lead to him remain paralyzed. Have you heard this story?
Patrick Mameli: Yes and it was just a practice and I feel so sorry for him and I pray for his health.

La Baza Gatului: What is your opinion about the death metal scene? What new albums drew your attention lately?
Patrick Mameli: I think we need to go back to the purity of death metal and its scene. I'm waiting for the new Dim Mak!!!!!!

La Baza Gatului: What are your future plans?
Patrick Mameli: Hopefully play some more shows and get the Pestilence point across!!

La Baza Gatului: Is there anything you’d like to ask me about my country?
Patrick Mameli: Yeah, what place I really need to visit in Romania?

La Baza Gatului: Thank you very much for your time and kindness in making this interview. The final words are yours.
Patrick Mameli: We love Romania so much and we hope to come there really soon!
Peace to Romania!!!!

joi, 9 iunie 2011

Interview with Niklas Sundin (Dark Tranquillity)

La Baza Gatului: Since you are a founding member of Dark Tranquillity, let me ask you how do you feel after 20 years in the business?
Niklas Sundin: Good, thanks! We formed the band as young kids, and our prime goal back then was first and foremost to learn to play our instruments and then record a demo tape and perhaps even play live someday, so we certainly didn't expect this to last for this long.

La Baza Gatului: When did you start playing music and when did you realize that this was going to be your path?
Niklas Sundin: I began playing the guitar in 1989, the week before we formed the band. I haven't really thought in terms of this being a "path" or a profession or anything like that. We've all other things apart from being musicians, and personally I like to keep the music very separate from begin a career choice or anything. We've always played because we feel that we have to express ourselves this way, regardless of whether the audience is ten or a million people, so there wasn't really a defining moment when we though "let's do this for real" or something.

La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about the Septic Broiler days?
Niklas Sundin: It was a very unique and special environment, being part of the early death metal subculture just as it started. After having being rabid tape traders for a few years, it felt natural to form a band and not just passively participate in the scene. S.B. was just meant to be a temporary name; since none of us had even touched an instrument before we started, it would have felt silly to have a serious moniker for the band.

La Baza Gatului: Do you consider Gothenburg the ideal place for starting a metal band? How difficult was it for you in the early days?
Niklas Sundin: Tricky question. One must remember that when we started, there was no scene here to speak of, just 20-30 guys with a desire to make extreme music. Even in the late '90's, when Gothenburg began getting hyped as a metal Mecca in the international scene, there really were just a couple of bands. No shows, no audience and certainly no public recognition. It was hilarious seeing all the "metal tourists" coming from Italy and Spain every summer, expecting to find musicians and bands in every street corner and gigs every weekend only to realize that it was a very clandestine thing. Anyway, for us, it was relatively easy to get started, but that probably had more to do with the standard of living in Sweden and the generally artist friendly climate in the education system and so forth. Of course we were struggling to get gigs and spending our pocket money on duplicating demos and trading tapes like any other band at the time, but at the same time we were kids living with our parents, so it was hardly a life-or-death struggle.

La Baza Gatului: For a long period of time (and even nowadays), many people associated Dark Tranquillity with Gothenburg death metal. When did, in your opinion, Dark Tranquillity stop being a Gothenburg death metal band?
Niklas Sundin: I really have no good answer to this; I never liked the whole "Gothenburg sound" term to begin with and thought that it was a useless label that quickly would die out. Genre definitions are so arbitrary anyway: If you ask a hundred people exactly what "Gothenburg death metal" is and how it should be defined, you'd probably get a hundred different answers. For me, we're just a metal band - no more, no less.

La Baza Gatului: Starting with Projector your music took another turn, more complex, more epic and catchier. Was it deliberate or was it a natural progression?
Niklas Sundin: It was very deliberate, and it ties in with your previous question a bit. Around '97-'98, the whole "Gothenburg" thing began getting attention and to us it was very provocative to be perceived as part of some new scene gimmick when we had spent nearly ten years trying to make innovative and original music with a voice of our own. We didn't want to be a part of that and felt that we needed to tear apart our old sound in order to build something new.

La Baza Gatului: Some associate this change with signing with Century Media, a record label more important than your previous one, Osmose Records? Is this the truth?
Niklas Sundin: Not at all - it's actually the other way around. "Projector" was recorded even before we knew that we would change label, and it was originally supposed to be released on Osmose. After a lot of discussions we decided to start looking for a new home, and Century Media were actually the only ones who wanted to release "Projector" as it was. There were other big labels interested, but they all demanded that we'd record a couple of "The Gallery" sounding songs in order to make the album more appealing to the old school crowd.

La Baza Gatului: When was the last time you listened to your older albums? What was the impression, would you change anything about them?
Niklas Sundin: I can't even remember. I listen to the old albums whenever we decide to play a song we haven't performed live for a long time, but that's it. I'm of course proud and happy with everything we've done, but we've played the old songs so many times - in rehearsals, in studio and live - so it really isn't very exciting for us to listen to them. Every album is a documentation of the state of the band at the given time, so there's no point in wanting to go back in time and change anything. It's easy to say that - for example - "Skydancer" could have used a more powerful guitar sound and better playing, but that's how things were back in the day. A modern production and precise playing would have rendered those songs totally lifeless.

La Baza Gatului: Could you please describe every Dark Tranquillity album in one word?
Niklas Sundin: Nope. Sorry, but it'd just feel weird trying to do that, and as mentioned above I don't really listen to the old albums.

La Baza Gatului: I am not going to ask you which of your albums do you like the most (it is difficult to choose and musicians tend to point towards their latest creation, which is understandable), but I would like you to tell me what are, in your opinion, We Are the Void’s strongest points?
Niklas Sundin: The songs themselves are all well-written and strong and represent most aspects of the D.T. sound. It's a well crafted album with lots of attention to the details and arrangements. To me, the highlights are found in the material that differs a bit from the typical D.T. norm - "Iridium" and "Arkhangelsk" spring to mind - but as usual everyone has different views on this.

La Baza Gatului: Who is the void? Who is we? What can you tell me something about the album’s concept?
Niklas Sundin: It's all Mikael's creation, so I'm not the right one to go in depth with it. My interpretation is that the themes have a lot to do with the opposition between the self and the surroundings, and the key to this is in the we are the void/I am the void juxtaposition. But this is just my own take on it, and I've always believed that the listener should make up his own interpretation of things as opposed to being told that "this song deals with XXX". The beauty with quality lyrics is that they should trigger the mind.

La Baza Gatului: I know you are also involved in design (band logos, band covers, t-shirts, etc.) Can you please name some of the bands you worked with?
Niklas Sundin: Yes, it's what I'm doing when I'm not busy with the music. I've had my own graphic design company ( since 1998 and have worked with In Flames, Arch Enemy, Moonspell, Sentenced, Soilwork and many more. These days I'm getting more involved with video production and animation though.

La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about your other band, Laethora?
Niklas Sundin: We play brutal death/grind with a twist, and we have two albums under out belt so far. The last one, "The light in which we all burn", was released last year. For me, it's really rewarding to be able to play more extreme and intense music that doesn't have to rely on melodies the whole time, but it's far from a full time activity since everyone is busy with other bands, work, studies, family and so forth.

La Baza Gatului: During the years, there were quite a few member changes in Dark Tranquillity. This makes me think that, above all, you are a bunch of friends. Is this the secret of your band’s success?
Niklas Sundin: It's a very important factor for sure. You spend so much time together as a band, and the potential for friction and conflict is great, so obviously one needs to get along well with others and understand how they function. We all grew up on the same street, so the original members all have been friends since the age of 3-4.

La Baza Gatului: What is the best thing about being in a band and what is the worst?
Niklas Sundin: Best: The creative aspect and being able to do something you feel so strongly about. Worst: Compromises, endless time spent waiting or being transported and everything else that steals time from the music. Also, the current state of the music industry is a cause for concern, but this is a very vast subject to say the least.

La Baza Gatului: You had 2 concerts in my country, one last year in Sibiu and one a few weeks ago in Bucharest. Can you share some impressions with us?
Niklas Sundin: Both shows were excellent, and we had a great time both on and offstage. Professional organization, devoted metalheads and a generally good vibe. I really don't know why it took us so long to finally get to Romania, so it was great that we could return so quickly after the Sibiu show. We enjoy the bigger festival stages as well as smaller club settings, so it's cool that we managed to cover both situations. The Silver Church is a really cool venue; one of the most unique I've seen.

La Baza Gatului: Where do you picture yourself 10 years from now?
Niklas Sundin: No idea - I can barely think 10 days ahead, so 10 years is in an entirely different universe.

La Baza Gatului: This year you celebrate 20 years of activity, long may it last! Shall we expect some celebration surprises? Any special plans?
Niklas Sundin: We actually celebrated already back in 2009, ha ha! We count the birth of the band to be the day we formed Septic Broiler, as the transition to Dark Tranquillity really was just a name change. We had the same members, the same songs and so forth. Our celebration was basically to have a pre-screening of our DVD in a movie theatre in Gothenburg and then drink an insane amount of booze.

La Baza Gatului: What are your future plans?
Niklas Sundin: The summer festival season will start in a few weeks, and then we have another European tour in October/November. Apart from that, we've just started working on the next album, but it's way too early to know when it might be finished. Hopefully sometime in 2012.

La Baza Gatului: Thank you very much for your time. Please share a thought with Romanian headbangers.
Niklas Sundin: Thanks! Kudos to the Romanian fans and friends for your support. Hope to see you again soon!

Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus (2011) - Season of Mist

Era o vreme cand lumea considera Morbid Angel locul in care s-au intalnit metalul si Mozart, s-au placut, si-au intins manutele timid unul spre celalalt, s-au impreunat si, din uniunea lor s-a nascut albumul The Covenant.
Tipul care a spus asta (sau, ma rog, ceva mai prozaic, nu i-a iesit asa misto cum mi-a iesit mie acum) si care e recunoscut de catre metalistii vechi tocmai datorita afirmatiilor exagerate, pigmentate cu epitete nelalocul lor, va ramane un clasic in viata. Va las sa ghiciti despre cine este vorba. Un lucru este, insa, cert: pe vremea aceea Morbid Angel canta, avea texte, si, nu in ultimul rand, avea inspiratie. Si a mai facut-o si dupa aceea un timp.
Imi inchipui ca nu exista multe lucruri mai triste pentru un metalist decat sa astepte cu infrigurare, ani buni de zile, un nou album de la o trupa de suflet, iar albumul in cauza sa se dovedeasca a fi dezgustator. Da, am zis dezgustator! Ca o tradare din partea unui prieten vechi. Ca un pumnal infipt miseleste in spate.
Premisele pentru un Illud Divinus Insanus reusit erau oarecum confuze, lipsea Pete Sandoval, insa revenise David Vincent. Ma rog, pe undeva, revenirea lui Vincent era o veste buna doar pe jumatate, avand in vedere prestatiile sale muzicale din ultimii ani.
Si atunci, dupa 8 ani de pauza, ce putea face Morbid Angel? Putea sa incerce sa socheze. Ma rog, dupa parerea mea, poate ca era mai bine (si mai onest) sa incerce sa faca muzica, insa trupa a ales prima varianta.
Promovarea acestui album a fost una perversa, casa de discuri avand grija sa ofere preview la 2 piese care sunt singurele de pe album care se apropie, cat de cat, de granita death metal-ului (Existo Vulgore si Nevermore).
Ce se intampla, insa, dupa terminarea intro-ul Omni Potens (my ass!), este extrem de dificil de descris in cuvinte. In locul riffurilor monstruoase, a solourilor imposibile, a pasajelor de baterie supercomplexe, a formulelor superalambicate pe care te doare mana o saptamana chiar si dupa ce le mimezi (si care constituiau trademark-ul trupei), SOC! Sound superprocesat la modul ingrozitor (senzatia de artificial fiind imposibil de evitat), refrene cheesy, riffuri sporadice care mimeaza metalul, un melanj total nefericit de industrial metal (nememorabil), rock (uneori chiar ‘n’ roll), metal modern.
Pana si titlurile sunt cel putin suspecte, fiind mai degraba desprinse de pe coperta unui album de horror metal: Blades for Baal, 10 More Dead, Destructos Vs. the Earth / Attack si, nu in ultimul rand, inegalabilul Radikult, completat sublim de o piesa pe masura.
Am apreciat intotdeauna experimentul in muzica, abordarile neobisnuite, interpretarile atipice, amestecul de stiluri aparent incompatibile. Apreciez in mod deosebit trupele care au curajul sa riste, sa incerce altceva. Parerea mea este ca, in cazul de fata, experimentul este un fiasco total. Daca trupa americana a incercat sa socheze, ei bine, a reusit. Restul e tacere!
Poate ca recenzia mea v-a indus ideea ca am pornit cu tendinta clara de a desfiinta acest album, insa va asigur ca nu mi-am dorit nimic mai mult decat sa imi placa. Stiti insa cum e cu creierul si inima omului, nu le poate nici dracu comanda ce sa faca, au propria “logica”, iau decizii pe criterii de neinteles si nu le negociaza cu nimeni, niciodata. Ale mele, cel putin, asa procedeaza, iar in cazul ultimului Morbid Angel au fost mai ferme decat oricand.
Inchei spunandu-va ca, daca nu as fi avut speranta si iluzia ca citesc si persoane din strainatate blogul (atat cat pot intelege, evident), nu as fi notat deloc Illud Divinum Insanus. Pentru albume de acest gen nu exista nota!

Membrii trupei:
Trey Azagthoth - chitara, clape
David Vincent - voce, bas
Pete Sandoval - baterie (in convalescenta)

Tim Yeung - tobe (pe albumul de fata, aparitii live)
morbid angel

Videoclip nou Puteraeon

Puteti viziona mai jos noul videoclip al trupei suedeze Puteraeon, regizat de Pontus Bengtsson ( Este vorba despre piesa Experience Zombiefication, extrasa de pe ultimul album de studio al trupei, The Esoteric Order, editat anul acesta de casa de discuri Cyclone Empire.

vineri, 3 iunie 2011

Interview with Eric Daniels (ex. Asphyx, ex. Soulburn, High Supreme Bloodcourt)

La Baza Gatului: You were with Asphyx almost from the start. What do you remember from that period?
Eric Daniels: Well, that period was the start of death metal. It was new for most people and I can remember that, when we played live, people didn't really understand the vocals. And sound it was different for those days.

La Baza Gatului: Why did, in your opinion, death metal firstly appeared? As a reaction towards what? I am asking you this because you are in the industry for more than 20 years and you certainly understand the phenomenon.
Eric Daniels: Possessed - Seven Churches was, to me, the first real death metal. Between the thrash music those days, it was different according to the vocals. I don't know if it was a reaction to something; I guess it was intended to sound more brutal than thrash music and it finally did, of course. It was just a matter of time and influences.

La Baza Gatului: What kept you in the business for such a long time? What keeps you motivated after all those years?
Eric Daniels: Well, I didn't make music all that period of 20 years, there was also a time of doing nothing and keeping busy with other things in life. However, we have this music in our bones and mind, it's hard to leave it. For me, making music is as important as eating and drinking. Everyday I play that guitar to give myself the feeling I need. Motivation comes when the right piece of song or part of a song fits in.

La Baza Gatului: I hope you don't mind me asking you why did you leave Asphyx? I mean you were part of that endeavor for many years. Anything you could share with us? Is there any chance you come back someday?
Eric Daniels: Asphyx was the greatest part of my life in making music. It was hard to leave, but at that time it was the right choice to do. Regrets always come later, but I am proud about my tiny piece of contribution to this band and it still feels good to be friends with the other guys. Coming back is the most asked question from people. I'm proud of what the guys do, the band is oiled like a machine, and I say never change a winning team.

La Baza Gatului: After Asphyx broke up in 1996, you have also participated in Soulburn, a band highly appreciated when Feeding on Angels was released. What do you remember from that period? Why was Soulburn buried after only one album?
Eric Daniels: We did Soulburn with the meaning of a project. We needed to make music without any pressure about the Asphyx name pinned on it. That's why we could compose on a relaxed way. It has never been the idea to do more than 1 album. After 4 years of not making music it was liberating. We were very excited about the result and that’s why we decided to give Asphyx back life. We also wanted to sound more different than Asphyx, some parts we did, other parts we didn't, but I think it sounds different.

La Baza Gatului: From what I see, you are very passionate with music. Was it hard for you to stay away from the scene?
Eric Daniels: Thank you. At the period I quit it wasn't hard, of course, but at the side-line I read and heard things about the scene. I was still friends with the other members and they told me things of course, like friends do.

La Baza Gatului: I suppose you listen to metal when you’re not playing it :). What is your opinion on the metal scene in general and the Dutch one in special?
Eric Daniels: Of course. Well, I think there is good music, however I have the impression that there is so much metal without the feeling in it. My opinion is that music is an expression, emotional, not only to sound as brutal and fast as possible. It disappoints me that I hear too much of those bands. Holland has a great metal-scene, lots of bands, almost an explosion.

La Baza Gatului: What bands (old and new) do you really like? Dutch too.
Eric Daniels: Massacre, Slaughter, Infernal Majesty, Venom, Hellhammer, Bathory. Dutch: Hail of Bullets, Asphyx.

La Baza Gatului: So I see that you are more into old school death metal somehow. Do you still go to concerts or festivals?
Eric Daniels: Well I like to listen music from the roots, of course I listen to new bands too, but what I mentioned earlier is true, if I hear no emotion in music I drop it. Yes, I go to concerts and festivals. Sometimes I travel along with Asphyx and have a good quality friends time.

La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about your present musical projects?
Eric Daniels: Well, we just started a new band last year: HIGH SUPREME BLOODCOURT, we finished writing 9 songs, we recorded drums and guitars already for 5 songs. It sounds incredible, the pieces fit together, pure doom/death.

La Baza Gatului: That was going to be my next question. So who do you play with in High Supreme Bloodcourt? Do you already have a record deal? When will we be able to listen to the material?
Eric Daniels: However, there are members of Asphyx in it. We definitely think it sounds different, but that's also the decision of people who will hear it. We are busy with record deals, but we first have to finish the recordings, then we will decide which company it will be. I can't give a right time when it's finished, but we are gonna record soon all the remaining songs.

La Baza Gatului: I also know that you are passionate with gear: guitars, basses, amplifiers, etc. What is your current gear? I also know that you usually don't like stuff modified. Is that true?
Eric Daniels: Yes it is. I only use stuff not being modified. My current equipment is perhaps too long to mention here, but I play BC Rich and DBZ guitars. Of course, there are some adjustments, but that’s for personal taste. All my effects I tweaked them together to 1 basic rhythm sound. I’m not pinned to amps. I can get my sound from every amp, the sound is in the effects I use. It gives more freedom in the brands of amps and amps to use.

La Baza Gatului: Before saying goodbye I would like you to tell me something about your future plans.
Eric Daniels: Ok, we are going to finish recording the songs for High Supreme Bloodcourt. Then we will sign with a record-company and are planning to do live-gigs. That's the idea.

La Baza Gatului: Well, thank you very much for this nice chat. I wish you all the best in the future. Please keep me posted with news from High Supreme Bloodcourt. The final words are yours.
Eric Daniels: Ok Sake, thanks for doing this interview. My thanks and greetings to the fans that kept supporting me even when I wasn't there. YOU RULE!! Keep brutal! Cheerz & Greetz!

6 luni de metal la baza gatului

Astazi implinim sase luni de existenta si tinem sa multumim, pe aceasta cale, oamenilor din cadrul scenei metal care au rabdare sa stea de vorba cu noi, precum si metalistilor care ne viziteaza zilnic, lasandu-ne astfel impresia ca ceea ce facem nu este in zadar. Va multumim tuturor si promitem sa nu ne abatem de la directia abordata! (Bolo si Sake)

Today we mark our 6 month anniversary and we would like to thank the people from the metal scene who wanted to speak with us, as well as to all those metal fans who pay us daily visits, showing us that what we do is not in vain. Thanks everyone, we promise we would not abandon the path we have chosen! (Bolo and Sake)

La Baza Gatului kills and supports the underground printing stories and news about true underground Metal. (Paul Speckmann – Master, Abomination)

This is Rogga Johansson from Paganizer/Ribspreader and a shitload of other bands, check out the stuff on Metal La Baza Gatului, it’s a fucken great webzine! (Rogga Johansson)

Well, congrats for the first 6 months... hope it´s going to last many more months of supporting good music! (Marc Grewe – Insidious Disease, Morgoth)

Congratulations on your 6 month aniversary! Thank you for spreading the word of metal! And may you do so for many aniversaries to come!
-Harm wishes you all the best!

Congratulations for your 6 months activity, keep the good work continue, wish you lots of years more !! Cheerz & Greetz! (Eric Daniels - ex Asphyx, ex Soulburn, High Supreme Bloodcourt)

"Il stiu pe Sake de prea multa vreme, si ma bucur ca nu se lasa, desi are acasa trei fete frumoase, care ar trebui sa ii ocupe tot timpul. Scena metal romaneasca sufera din cauza lipsei de review-uri bine scrise si ma bucur ca unul dintre putinii care fac asta cu talent, nu vrea sa se lase. Sase luni nu e mult, dar sase luni, sae ani, tot aia e, ca oricum Sake scrie de decenii !)" (Coro - Axa Valaha Productions)

Intr-o vreme in care tot felul de nechemati cred ca pot face o recenzie profi a unui concert sau album, La Baza Gatului reaseaza valorile/nonvalorile acolo unde le e locul. Mi-as dori ca intransigenta, clar indicata si de titlul blogului, sa ramana aceasi si peste un deceniu. (Marius Popeanga - Avatar)

joi, 2 iunie 2011

Feral - Dragged To The Altar (2011) - Ibex Moon

Nu mai e cazul sa vorbim de cat de prolifica este mama Suedie in ceea ce priveste death metalul, dar, cu toate astea, nu incetez sa fiu aproape uluit de fiecare data cand aud o trupa noua de pe acele meleaguri.

Si azi am avut parte de o auditie excelenta, un album de debut al unei trupe suedeze de death'n'roll, cu un sound ce aduce aminte poate cel mai mult de Wolverine Blues al lui Entombed, dar si de Grave sau Dismember. Adica baietii au cam adunat de pe la ce a avut mai bun Suedia in materie de death metal ever si au amestecat frumos intr-un album ce beneficiaza pe langa toate astea si de o productie excelenta.

Parti de groove dement, ce aproape ca nu te lasa sa stai linistit pe scaunel, mixate cu pasaje death metal clasic, solouri jucause (aproape hard-rock ca sonoritate pe alocuri) si o sectiue ritmica excelenta (basul se aude de rupe carnea de pe tine).Vocalul are un nume predestinat (Hook), growlul lui fiind atat de misto si clar incat e imposibil sa nu iti placa.

Nu exista piese slabe pe album, dar energicele Altar of Necromancy, Howling si Graverobber, precum si The Deathbog cu ale ei sonoritati orientale, mi-au placut in mod deosebit.

Membrii trupei:
Hook - voce
Big Mac - chitara
Svarte Petter - chitara
Valmer - bas
Damien - tobe

Concertul Opeth/Katatonia anulat!

Pe siteurilel oficiale ale trupelor Opeth si Katatonia se anunta ca showul de la Arenele Romane din 5 iunie a fost anulat:

It is with deep regret that we have had to pull out of the planned show in Bucharest on June 5th, this is due to the failure of certain contractual economic conditions not being met. Best endeavors are being made to reschedule the date, and more information will be posted at a later date. In the meantime it is suggested that ticket holders return to ticket outlets for refunds - Bucahrest (sic!) show cancelled - Romanian gig cancelled

Abomination reforms

Abomination will be reforming for a tour in November. We will be playing 12 songs from the early albums and demos. I look forward to this as it will be cool to play different songs for a tour for the first time in twenty years (news received directly from Paul Speckmann).

(Photo by JulienEvil -

miercuri, 1 iunie 2011

Autopsy - Macabre Eternal (2011) - Peaceville Records

Revenirea Autopsy a fost, probabil, una dintre cele mai asteptate pentru iubitorii de death/gore metal, dupa nu mai putin de 15 ani de pauza. EP-ul The Tomb Within, apreciat in unanimitate de metalistii extremi, nu ar fi insemnat probabil mare lucru daca nu ar fi fost urmat si de promisiunea unui nou album de studio la fel de macabru precum anterioarele din discografia trupei.
In 2011, primisiunea trupei s-a materializat in, probabil, cea mai reusita revenire din ultima perioada de timp, albumul Macabre Eternal facand cinste trupei Autopsy.
Din punct de vedere muzical, discul contine tot ce a fost mai bun in discografia americanilor, chestiuni care au devenit intre timp trademark-ul trupei, in speta blastbeaturi furibunde, pasaje apasatoare de doom, vocalize feroce, riffuri de plumb si solouri teribil de jucause. Fiecare compozitie contine invariabil toate elementele de mai sus, transformand ultimul album Autopsy intr-unul extrem de variat (nu si eterogen) si foarte placut urechii, in ciuda lungimii de peste 60 de minute (nu am spus centimetri, desi poate mai bine o faceam).
Nu ar fi de omis nici partea lirica, Chris Reifert facand apel la creativitatea-i arhicunoscuta si prestand un libret bantuit de zombie, morti, nemorti, indivizi pe cale sa moara, indivizi morti de putin timp, etc.
Surpriza majora la acest album vine din partea productiei si mixului, Macabre Eternal fiind pus in valoare de un sunet extrem de actual, foarte bine echilibrat, printre cele mai reusite pe care am avut ocazia sa le ascult in ultima perioada(alaturi de cel existent pe Doctrine-ul lui Pestilence).
Inchei afirmand ca, pentru mine, Macabre Eternal constituie un candidat foarte serios (alaturi de inca circa 4-5 produse, haha) pentru albumul anului 2011.

Membrii trupei:
Chris Reifert - voce, tobe
Eric Cutler - voce, chitara
Danny Coralles - chitara
Joe Allen - bas