Un album al unui trio italian pe care trebuie sa recunosc ca nu l-am mai ascultat, desi canta de prin 2001 si acesta este al treilea album de studio (deh, incompetenta), si chiar daca si titlul de fata il am in playlist de ceva timp (a aparut anul trecut), l-am cam trecut cu vederea, pe de o parte din cauza aparitiei atator titluri de calitate de care in general am scris si pe blog si pe de alta parte din cauza izului punk pe care il are, sonoritati cu care nu sunt nici foarte familiarizat si nici nu pot spune ca le agreez din cale afara.
Ce ma face totusi sa vi-l recomand, chiar si in ceasul al 24-lea, este faptul ca pe structura punk a albumului baietii deseneaza frumos cu riffuri thrash foarte catchy, acest lucru dand un plus de valoare albumului, iar impreuna cu partitura de voce abordata mai agresiv si gutural (ganditi-va la un Lemmy mai nervos - uneori si pronuntia cuvintelor parca seamana), formeaza un tot unitar agreabil si distractiv.
Productia este destul de murdara ca sound, voit raw, dar fara a deranja pe cei ce prefera un sunet clar (recunosc ca ma numar printre acestia).
Un album usurel, nimic memorabil, dar daca vreti sa ascultati un mix de Motorhead, Venom, Discharge (piesa pe care v-o propunem mai jos pentru auditie e putin atipica pentru album, aducand mai degraba cu ce baga Metallica pe Kill 'Em All) si care sa nu va consume prea tare (acum ca cica vin caldurile), vi-l recomand.
Membrii trupei:
Lorenzo Bellia - voce, chitara
Shady Bagni - bas
Marco Biondi - tobe
vineri, 27 mai 2011
joi, 26 mai 2011
Vastum - Carnal Law (2011) - Demo - Deific Mourning
Trebuie sa recunosc ca sunt cateva motive pentru care sunt entuziasmat de albumul de fata, primul dintre ele fiind ca nu prea mai asculti in ziua de azi death metal clasic, greu, doomy, namolos, poate decat la Autopsy, pe care ii consideram pana acum cam singurii suficient incapatanati sa nu lase death metalul in aceasta forma, sa-i zicem primitiva, sa moara, un al doilea motiv fiind acela ca produsul in discutie este doar un demo, debutul absolut al trupei, iar un altul fiind ca la chitara si, pe alocuri, la voce, avem o foarte agreabila prezenta feminina (care baga niste growluri pe piesele Devoid si Umbra Interna de rupe caputzu').
Este incredibil cum niste riffuri atat de oneste si nesofisticate pot fi atat de eficace (formularea ii apartine colegului meu Sake), iar impreuna cu o productie voit mlastinoasa, murdara, induc o stare generala de greu, pamantos, canal.
Demoul are 6 piese de egala valoare si in jur de 35 minute, o incursiune scurta si la obiect in ceea ce insemna death metalul odata, un deliciu pentru fanii acestui stil ce supravietuieste in ultimul timp doar prin Autopsy, Grave si, mai nou, Vastum.
O surpriza extrem de placuta din partea cvintetului american, sper sa ramana si pe viitor consecventi stilului propus pe acest material.
Membrii trupei:
Dan - voce
Leila - chitara, voce
Kyle - chitara
Luca - bas
R.D. Davies - tobe
Este incredibil cum niste riffuri atat de oneste si nesofisticate pot fi atat de eficace (formularea ii apartine colegului meu Sake), iar impreuna cu o productie voit mlastinoasa, murdara, induc o stare generala de greu, pamantos, canal.
Demoul are 6 piese de egala valoare si in jur de 35 minute, o incursiune scurta si la obiect in ceea ce insemna death metalul odata, un deliciu pentru fanii acestui stil ce supravietuieste in ultimul timp doar prin Autopsy, Grave si, mai nou, Vastum.
O surpriza extrem de placuta din partea cvintetului american, sper sa ramana si pe viitor consecventi stilului propus pe acest material.
Membrii trupei:
Dan - voce
Leila - chitara, voce
Kyle - chitara
Luca - bas
R.D. Davies - tobe
miercuri, 25 mai 2011
Concert Kataklysm, Karnak, Dead Shape Figure si Pestifer - Bucuresti, Club Silver Church, 24 mai 2011
Am invatat din propria experienta ca in viata nu e bine sa ai asteptari foarte mari de la lucruri. Nu incurajez pesimismul, insa m-am trezit de nenumarate ori cu buza umflata in urma unor evenimente care s-au dovedit sub ceea ce imi inchipuiam eu ca trebuie sa se intample de fapt, astfel ca, in ciuda faptului ca trupa Kataklysm se afla printre preferatele mele (dintotdeauna) in materie de death metal, am pornit oarecum rezervat la acest eveniment.
Stiam ca cele trei formatii de deschidere suna bine toate, de la Karnak si Pestifer ascultasem cate 3 piese, iar de la Dead Shape Figure ultimul album de studio in totalitate.

Stand-ul de merchandise a avut o oferta de tricouri decenta, existand circa 4 tipuri de t-shirt Kataklysm si cate unul Dead Shape Figure si Karnak. In materie de cd-uri, am remarcat ca nu exista posibilitatea de a achizitiona produse audio ale canadienilor, ci doar albumele de studio ale trupelor de deschidere.
Recitalul trupei belgiene Pestifer a continut exclusiv compozitiile existente pe albumul Age of Disgrace, editat anul trecut la casa de discuri Ultimhate Records. Desi piesele pe care avusesem ocazia sa le audiez inaintea concertului nu au reusit sa ma faca mai deloc curios referitor la prestatia Pestifer, cei cinci au sustinut un concert destul de reusit, perfect pentru a incalzi atmosfera oarecum apatica din club. Ca si stil, muzica formatiei se inscrie pe coordonatele unui death metal destul de tehnic, heavy si brutal, singurul impediment fiind sunetul foarte aglomerat.

Dead Shape Figure au improscat publicul cu o serie de rafale de thrash/metalcore modern, superrifat si rapid, punand acentul in special pe compozitiile existente pe albumul The Disease of St. Vitus, dintre care am remarcat Suicidal Continental, Amberstar, Idiopolis si Face on the Nails. Prezenta scenica a trupei a fost una foarte reusita, basistul Neissus remarcandu-se printr-un headbanging extrem de sustinut, fiind ajutat si de fizicul impunator.

Odata cu aparitia italienilor Karnak, parea ca problemele de sunet existente pana la acel moment devenisera de domeniul trecutului, astfel incat prestatia formatiei italiene a fost ajutata de un sunet mult mai clar. Stilul muzical in care se incadreaza trupa este clasificat (oarecum) pretentios drept progressive technical death metal si acest fapt a fost resimtit din plin pe parcursul recitalului Karnak. Daca din punct de vedere instrumental/tehnic muzicienii stau foarte bine (de asteptat, avand in vedere cei aproape 15 ani de activitate), death metal-ul foarte complex pe care acestia il propun este unul care risca sa bage in ceata publicul si sa nu determine reactia pe care o asteapta trupa.

Despre Kataklysm stiam ca este o trupa care suna excelent live, insa aveam o oarecare strangere de inima referitoare la calitatea sunetului din Clubul Silver Church, alimentata de cateva concerte la care am avut ocazia sa particip si in cadrul carora prestatiile trupelor au fost afectate de un sunet nefericit.
Aveam sa ma conving, dupa cele 15 piese interpretate de trupa, ca secretul unui sunet excelent sta, totusi, in prezenta, in spatele pupitrului de comanda, a unui sunetist de meserie.

Recitalul Kataklysm a parcurs aproape toate albumele de studio ale trupei, astfel incat cei aproximativ 350 de metalisti participanti au avut ocazia sa efectueze riff si headbanging masiv pe compozitii precum The Soulless God, As I Slither, Ambassador of Pain, Push the Venom, Manipulator of Souls, Determined, Prevail, In Shadows and Dust, At the Edge of the World, In the Arms of Devastation, Crippled and Broken si To Reign Again.
Maurizio Iacono este un solist vocal foarte sigur pe el, extrem de competent (plaja pe care se intind vocalizele sale mergand de la growl-ul clasic pana la momente de screaming), sustinut de 3 muzicieni care nu se remarca prin show-off, ci printr-un travaliu exemplar, rezultatul fiind un sound monolitic in fata caruia este imposibil sa ramai pasiv.

Inchei afirmand ca prestatia canadienilor a fost una ireprosabila, singurul meu regret fiind prezenta extrem de mica a publicului, avand in vedere importanta unui asemenea eveniment.
Fotografii: Dragos P.
Stiam ca cele trei formatii de deschidere suna bine toate, de la Karnak si Pestifer ascultasem cate 3 piese, iar de la Dead Shape Figure ultimul album de studio in totalitate.

Stand-ul de merchandise a avut o oferta de tricouri decenta, existand circa 4 tipuri de t-shirt Kataklysm si cate unul Dead Shape Figure si Karnak. In materie de cd-uri, am remarcat ca nu exista posibilitatea de a achizitiona produse audio ale canadienilor, ci doar albumele de studio ale trupelor de deschidere.
Recitalul trupei belgiene Pestifer a continut exclusiv compozitiile existente pe albumul Age of Disgrace, editat anul trecut la casa de discuri Ultimhate Records. Desi piesele pe care avusesem ocazia sa le audiez inaintea concertului nu au reusit sa ma faca mai deloc curios referitor la prestatia Pestifer, cei cinci au sustinut un concert destul de reusit, perfect pentru a incalzi atmosfera oarecum apatica din club. Ca si stil, muzica formatiei se inscrie pe coordonatele unui death metal destul de tehnic, heavy si brutal, singurul impediment fiind sunetul foarte aglomerat.

Dead Shape Figure au improscat publicul cu o serie de rafale de thrash/metalcore modern, superrifat si rapid, punand acentul in special pe compozitiile existente pe albumul The Disease of St. Vitus, dintre care am remarcat Suicidal Continental, Amberstar, Idiopolis si Face on the Nails. Prezenta scenica a trupei a fost una foarte reusita, basistul Neissus remarcandu-se printr-un headbanging extrem de sustinut, fiind ajutat si de fizicul impunator.

Odata cu aparitia italienilor Karnak, parea ca problemele de sunet existente pana la acel moment devenisera de domeniul trecutului, astfel incat prestatia formatiei italiene a fost ajutata de un sunet mult mai clar. Stilul muzical in care se incadreaza trupa este clasificat (oarecum) pretentios drept progressive technical death metal si acest fapt a fost resimtit din plin pe parcursul recitalului Karnak. Daca din punct de vedere instrumental/tehnic muzicienii stau foarte bine (de asteptat, avand in vedere cei aproape 15 ani de activitate), death metal-ul foarte complex pe care acestia il propun este unul care risca sa bage in ceata publicul si sa nu determine reactia pe care o asteapta trupa.

Despre Kataklysm stiam ca este o trupa care suna excelent live, insa aveam o oarecare strangere de inima referitoare la calitatea sunetului din Clubul Silver Church, alimentata de cateva concerte la care am avut ocazia sa particip si in cadrul carora prestatiile trupelor au fost afectate de un sunet nefericit.
Aveam sa ma conving, dupa cele 15 piese interpretate de trupa, ca secretul unui sunet excelent sta, totusi, in prezenta, in spatele pupitrului de comanda, a unui sunetist de meserie.

Recitalul Kataklysm a parcurs aproape toate albumele de studio ale trupei, astfel incat cei aproximativ 350 de metalisti participanti au avut ocazia sa efectueze riff si headbanging masiv pe compozitii precum The Soulless God, As I Slither, Ambassador of Pain, Push the Venom, Manipulator of Souls, Determined, Prevail, In Shadows and Dust, At the Edge of the World, In the Arms of Devastation, Crippled and Broken si To Reign Again.
Maurizio Iacono este un solist vocal foarte sigur pe el, extrem de competent (plaja pe care se intind vocalizele sale mergand de la growl-ul clasic pana la momente de screaming), sustinut de 3 muzicieni care nu se remarca prin show-off, ci printr-un travaliu exemplar, rezultatul fiind un sound monolitic in fata caruia este imposibil sa ramai pasiv.

Inchei afirmand ca prestatia canadienilor a fost una ireprosabila, singurul meu regret fiind prezenta extrem de mica a publicului, avand in vedere importanta unui asemenea eveniment.
Fotografii: Dragos P.
luni, 23 mai 2011
Recenzie concert Dark Tranquillity - Bucuresti, Club Silver Church, 19 mai 2011
Multa lume afirma ca Dark Tranquillity ar fi cam ultimii purtatori ai stindardului death metal-ului tip Gothenburg. La fel de multe persoane considera ca muzica trupei suedeze nu prea mai are mare legatura cu stilul metalic amintit mai sus. Pana si membrii formatiei au afirmat in interviuri ca s-au cam saturat de aceasta eticheta si ca nu se mai considera, de multa vreme, altceva decat o trupa de metal. Fair enough!

De la concertul asta nu aveam niciun fel de asteptari, stiam doar ca vreau sa vad Dark Tranquillity live (i-am ratat cand au prestat la Sibiu, in cadrul Festivalului Artmania), astfel ca la ora 19.30 eram deja in Clubul Silver Church.
Ceva probleme de logistica (a se citi ratacirea clapei de catre angajatii aeroportului turcesc) au condus la o intarziere de 30 minute, precum si la interpretarea catorva compozitii cu o clapa de imprumut.

Trupa ne promisese cateva surprize atat in materie de playlist, cat si prin prezentarea unor secvente video oarecum inedite, chitaristul Niklas Sundin fiind recunoscut pentru activitatea sa de grafician.
Asa cum a procedat in concertele sale recente, trupa a deschis concertul cu At the Point of Ignition, urmata de doua compozitii hitoase, Fatalist si Icipher.
Publicul, desi nu foarte numeros (circa 500 de participanti) a participat foarte activ la concert, cantand la unison cu trupa, apalaudand frenetic, fapt care a bucurat foarte mult membrii Dark Tranquillity.

Compozitii precum Damage Done, Lost to Apathy sau Monochromatic Stains au creat agitatie in public, demonstrand ca este posibil sa te simti excelent pe scena chiar si dupa 20 de ani de activitate si, mai ales, sa si reusesti sa transmiti celor care te urmaresc aceeasi stare de spirit. In aceeasi nota, Mikael Stanne a demonstrat ca este un lider carismatic si un vocalist de exceptie, intreaga sa prestatie scenica fiind una electrizanta de la inceput si pana la sfarsit.

Fanii mai vechi au fost in extaz odata cu interpretarea epicei The Gallery, pentru ca ulterior Dark Tranquillity sa revina la ce stie cel mai bine sa faca, si anume hituri (in sensul pozitiv al cuvantului). Au urmat The Wonders at Your Feet, Iridium, Focus Shift, Dream Oblivion, Misery’s Crown si Haven.
A urmat un nou moment nostalgic, punctat de compozitiile Punish my Heaven si Lethe, pentru ca trupa sa isi ia ramas bun de la noi imediat dupa interpretarea piesei The Final Resistance.

Asa cum era de asteptat, Dark Tranquillity a revenit si a oferit un bis, prestand ThereIn (moment in care Mikael Stanne si-a pus steagul Suediei in jurul umerilor) si piesa cu care trupa incheie de obicei toate concertele, Terminus (Where Death is Most Alive).
Fotografii: Cosmin

De la concertul asta nu aveam niciun fel de asteptari, stiam doar ca vreau sa vad Dark Tranquillity live (i-am ratat cand au prestat la Sibiu, in cadrul Festivalului Artmania), astfel ca la ora 19.30 eram deja in Clubul Silver Church.
Ceva probleme de logistica (a se citi ratacirea clapei de catre angajatii aeroportului turcesc) au condus la o intarziere de 30 minute, precum si la interpretarea catorva compozitii cu o clapa de imprumut.

Trupa ne promisese cateva surprize atat in materie de playlist, cat si prin prezentarea unor secvente video oarecum inedite, chitaristul Niklas Sundin fiind recunoscut pentru activitatea sa de grafician.
Asa cum a procedat in concertele sale recente, trupa a deschis concertul cu At the Point of Ignition, urmata de doua compozitii hitoase, Fatalist si Icipher.
Publicul, desi nu foarte numeros (circa 500 de participanti) a participat foarte activ la concert, cantand la unison cu trupa, apalaudand frenetic, fapt care a bucurat foarte mult membrii Dark Tranquillity.

Compozitii precum Damage Done, Lost to Apathy sau Monochromatic Stains au creat agitatie in public, demonstrand ca este posibil sa te simti excelent pe scena chiar si dupa 20 de ani de activitate si, mai ales, sa si reusesti sa transmiti celor care te urmaresc aceeasi stare de spirit. In aceeasi nota, Mikael Stanne a demonstrat ca este un lider carismatic si un vocalist de exceptie, intreaga sa prestatie scenica fiind una electrizanta de la inceput si pana la sfarsit.

Fanii mai vechi au fost in extaz odata cu interpretarea epicei The Gallery, pentru ca ulterior Dark Tranquillity sa revina la ce stie cel mai bine sa faca, si anume hituri (in sensul pozitiv al cuvantului). Au urmat The Wonders at Your Feet, Iridium, Focus Shift, Dream Oblivion, Misery’s Crown si Haven.
A urmat un nou moment nostalgic, punctat de compozitiile Punish my Heaven si Lethe, pentru ca trupa sa isi ia ramas bun de la noi imediat dupa interpretarea piesei The Final Resistance.

Asa cum era de asteptat, Dark Tranquillity a revenit si a oferit un bis, prestand ThereIn (moment in care Mikael Stanne si-a pus steagul Suediei in jurul umerilor) si piesa cu care trupa incheie de obicei toate concertele, Terminus (Where Death is Most Alive).
Fotografii: Cosmin
marți, 17 mai 2011
Concert Primordial, I Divine si Claymore - Bucuresti, 14 mai 2011, Club Wings
Cu Primordial am facut cunostinta in anul 1998, odata cu aparitia albumului A Journey’s End, editat de una dintre casele de discuri elitiste ale momentului, Misanthropy Records. Ca o paranteza, multa vreme am considerat coperta albumului amintit mai sus drept una dintre cele mai frumoase ever.
Primordial sunt o trupa care a crescut armonios, a reusit sa scoata albume tot mai bune si sa castige respectul fanilor muzicii metal de pretutindeni, inclusiv al celor autohtoni.
Eram dornic sa particip la acest concert din mai multe motive, cel mai important fiind dat de faptul ca i-am “ratat” pe cei cinci irlandezi la anteriorul lor concert in Romania.
Clubul Wings este o alternativa acceptabila pentru acest gen de concerte, fiind destul de aproape de zona centrala a Bucurestiului, iar trupele de pe afis au reusit sa starneasca interesul a circa 400 de participanti.
Standul de merchandise a fost foarte ofertant, colectionarii avand la dispozitie 6 tipuri de tricouri Primordial (3 cu ultimul album), 4 tipuri de tricouri (inclusiv girlie) Claymore si ultimul album Primordial in 2 variante (CD si CD+DVD).
Bulgarii de la Claymore pretind ca interpreteaza un symphonic black/death metal, insa in realitate am avut parte de-a face cu un black metal destul de generic, in cea mai mare parte a timpului rapid, cu punctari de chitara energice si o clapa omniprezenta. Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am reusit sa imi dau seama unde este death metal-ul in reteta lor.

Lucrurile au stat complet diferit cu I Divine (pentru conformitate, putem afirma linistiti ex-Sear Bliss), o trupa noua, dar alcatuita din muzicieni experimentati. Acest lucru a condus la o evolutie solida, black metal-ul vanos si foarte heavy fiind pigmentat de interventii de trombon, care au oferit muzicii maghiarilor un oarecare iz experimental.

Desi initial Primordial erau programati pentru un spectacol de o ora si jumatate, in realitate trupa a cantat cam doua ore, recitalul depasind miezul noptii.

Playlist-ul a fost unul echilibrat si a continut atat compozitii de pe ultimul album de studio al trupei, Redemption at the Puritan’s Hand (No Grave Deep Enough, Lain with the Wolf, Bloodied Yet Unbowed, Death of the Gods), cat si piese mai vechi, care nu lipsesc niciodata din repertoriul irlandezilor (Heathen Tribes, The Coffin Ships, Gods to the Godless, Empire Falls, Gallows Hymn, As Rome Burns, The Golden Spiral, The Burning Season, Autumn’s Ablaze, Sons of Morrigan).

Concertul a fost unul reusit, singurele aspecte care au facut diferenta intre un eveniment bun si unul foarte bun fiind sonorizarea (in unele momente a fost practic imposibil sa intelegi ce se intampla pe scena) si aprovizionarea celor doua baruri (la ora 23, timp de aproximativ 30 minute, nu a existat bere).
Fotografii: Ella G. (www.live-mirrors.com)
Primordial sunt o trupa care a crescut armonios, a reusit sa scoata albume tot mai bune si sa castige respectul fanilor muzicii metal de pretutindeni, inclusiv al celor autohtoni.
Eram dornic sa particip la acest concert din mai multe motive, cel mai important fiind dat de faptul ca i-am “ratat” pe cei cinci irlandezi la anteriorul lor concert in Romania.
Clubul Wings este o alternativa acceptabila pentru acest gen de concerte, fiind destul de aproape de zona centrala a Bucurestiului, iar trupele de pe afis au reusit sa starneasca interesul a circa 400 de participanti.
Standul de merchandise a fost foarte ofertant, colectionarii avand la dispozitie 6 tipuri de tricouri Primordial (3 cu ultimul album), 4 tipuri de tricouri (inclusiv girlie) Claymore si ultimul album Primordial in 2 variante (CD si CD+DVD).
Bulgarii de la Claymore pretind ca interpreteaza un symphonic black/death metal, insa in realitate am avut parte de-a face cu un black metal destul de generic, in cea mai mare parte a timpului rapid, cu punctari de chitara energice si o clapa omniprezenta. Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am reusit sa imi dau seama unde este death metal-ul in reteta lor.

Lucrurile au stat complet diferit cu I Divine (pentru conformitate, putem afirma linistiti ex-Sear Bliss), o trupa noua, dar alcatuita din muzicieni experimentati. Acest lucru a condus la o evolutie solida, black metal-ul vanos si foarte heavy fiind pigmentat de interventii de trombon, care au oferit muzicii maghiarilor un oarecare iz experimental.

Desi initial Primordial erau programati pentru un spectacol de o ora si jumatate, in realitate trupa a cantat cam doua ore, recitalul depasind miezul noptii.

Playlist-ul a fost unul echilibrat si a continut atat compozitii de pe ultimul album de studio al trupei, Redemption at the Puritan’s Hand (No Grave Deep Enough, Lain with the Wolf, Bloodied Yet Unbowed, Death of the Gods), cat si piese mai vechi, care nu lipsesc niciodata din repertoriul irlandezilor (Heathen Tribes, The Coffin Ships, Gods to the Godless, Empire Falls, Gallows Hymn, As Rome Burns, The Golden Spiral, The Burning Season, Autumn’s Ablaze, Sons of Morrigan).

Concertul a fost unul reusit, singurele aspecte care au facut diferenta intre un eveniment bun si unul foarte bun fiind sonorizarea (in unele momente a fost practic imposibil sa intelegi ce se intampla pe scena) si aprovizionarea celor doua baruri (la ora 23, timp de aproximativ 30 minute, nu a existat bere).
Fotografii: Ella G. (www.live-mirrors.com)
luni, 16 mai 2011
Pestilence - Doctrine (2011) - Mascot Records - English version
Pestilence was never a band easy to listen to, that is clear.
After a thrash/death debut, more or less similar to the metal trend of the epoch (with the albums Malleus Malleficarum and Consuming Impulse), in 1991 (by the Testimony of the Ancients) and especially in 1993 (by the ultra-experimental Spheres), the band has chosen the path of a totally atypical death metal, very technical and complex, a decision that provoked both the breaking of the contract with the record label and the splitting of the band’s fan base.
The fact that the band does not make two identical (at least consecutive) albums is well-known, this statement being proven by Resurrection Macabre (that, even though it was deeply technical, was more of an aggressive album, quite different from the previous one).
I really wondered how Doctrine would sound, with its song title somehow inducting the idea of a sick symmetry, and I was quite surprised to find out that it was exactly as I expected it to be.
Musically, Doctrine is a more technical album, sometimes almost hypnotic, with hallucinating fretless bass interventions, bizarre guitar solos, mathematical riffs and ferocious vocals. Apart from all this, there is not very much to say about the music itself, listening to metal should be an individual experience, so I guess every listener should form his own opinion.
In a period in which the main tendency is to become as accessible as one can be, Pestilence does not disappoint and comes back with a totally unfriendly, pretentious and soliciting album.
Even though some persons would consider this a mere trying to attract the attention of fans, I firmly believe that, fortunately, there are still a few bands (Pestilence included) that play strictly for pleasure and make music for the sake of music only, without thinking about trends and selling items.
Patrick Mameli - lead guitars, vocals
Patrick Uterwijk - lead guitars
Jeroen Paul Thesseling - bass guitar
Yuma Van Eekelen - drums
After a thrash/death debut, more or less similar to the metal trend of the epoch (with the albums Malleus Malleficarum and Consuming Impulse), in 1991 (by the Testimony of the Ancients) and especially in 1993 (by the ultra-experimental Spheres), the band has chosen the path of a totally atypical death metal, very technical and complex, a decision that provoked both the breaking of the contract with the record label and the splitting of the band’s fan base.
The fact that the band does not make two identical (at least consecutive) albums is well-known, this statement being proven by Resurrection Macabre (that, even though it was deeply technical, was more of an aggressive album, quite different from the previous one).
I really wondered how Doctrine would sound, with its song title somehow inducting the idea of a sick symmetry, and I was quite surprised to find out that it was exactly as I expected it to be.
Musically, Doctrine is a more technical album, sometimes almost hypnotic, with hallucinating fretless bass interventions, bizarre guitar solos, mathematical riffs and ferocious vocals. Apart from all this, there is not very much to say about the music itself, listening to metal should be an individual experience, so I guess every listener should form his own opinion.
In a period in which the main tendency is to become as accessible as one can be, Pestilence does not disappoint and comes back with a totally unfriendly, pretentious and soliciting album.
Even though some persons would consider this a mere trying to attract the attention of fans, I firmly believe that, fortunately, there are still a few bands (Pestilence included) that play strictly for pleasure and make music for the sake of music only, without thinking about trends and selling items.
Patrick Mameli - lead guitars, vocals
Patrick Uterwijk - lead guitars
Jeroen Paul Thesseling - bass guitar
Yuma Van Eekelen - drums

Interview with Sotiris Anunnaki Vayenas (Septicflesh)
La Baza Gatului: Hello and welcome. When did you realize that music was going to be your “path”?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: When I was 8 years old I started taking lessons on violin, so I was introduced to the magic world of music at a very early age. But I have to admit that initially I wanted to become an astronaut…
La Baza Gatului: I have always wondered why you named your band Septicflesh. What can you tell me about it?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: When I joined the band they were already being called Septic Flesh. It was a suggestion of a friend of Seth and Chris. I wasn’t fond of the name, but the other guys in the band didn’t want to change it.

La Baza Gatului: They say albums are the perfect image of a period in a band’s life. Is there anything you’d change about your previous albums? When was the last time you listened to them?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: A couple of months ago I listened to some old songs. Indeed the emotion is like looking at an old picture of yourself and your family. What could change in some older albums is the production, as at the beginning we didn’t have the luxury to obtain a strong sound.
La Baza Gatului: Your career seemed to have always been somehow linked to French record labels, first of all Holy Records and, after one album released to Hammerheart, Season of Mist. Is there any subtle affinity between Greek and French sensibilities?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: It seems so. The French people were proven great supporters not only of Septicflesh, but also of other Greek Metal Bands as Rotting Christ and Nightfall.

La Baza Gatului: Thinking of you as a whole, I have realized that you complete yourselves perfectly (Siro with the visual parts, you with the lyrical/ conceptual ones, Christos with symphonic arrangements and Fotis with the recording/ preproduction/ quality of the sound). Is this where the success of Septicflesh stands?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: Yes. Septicflesh is the alchemical union of 4 minds that contribute something essential to the final result. It would be impossible for only one mind to explore in such a depth everything. I feel very confident to try new ideas and evolve, having in mind that the other band members are more than capable to support the evolution. We push each other to go further.
La Baza Gatului: Your music had a certain symphonic influences starting with Ophidian Wheel, but it is only on The Great Mass where it has reached perfection. How did you come to such an impressive outcome?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: Our music had symphonic influences from even our first album, Mystic Places of Dawn, released in 1994. There was an 8:50 minutes song on the album called Mythos that was purely symphonic in nature. However, then we had only samplers to play the notes. Now, as we have a bigger budget to create an album and as Chris has obtained a diploma on classical composition, we can arrange the symphonic parts without limitations.

La Baza Gatului: Your music is grandiose, cinematic and very picturesque. During the audition of The Great Mass I have sometimes had the impression that I’m listening to a horror soundtrack. Was this your intention by any chance?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: We are listening to soundtrack music and so we are inspired. It is our intention to make music that will function as a strange dark portal that will bring intense images to the mind’s eye.
La Baza Gatului: Reading your lyrics I feel you are a very sensitive individual, consumed with questions and you somehow manage to impregnate your music also with it. What can you tell me about the lyrical concept of The Great Mass?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: It is rebellious liturgy, in the spirit of a Black Mass. There are 10 different psalms, with dominant element the deconstruction of religious symbolism. But there is not only one conceptual layer on the lyrics. Concerning the title, I played a lot with the different meaning of the word mass. For example there is a reference to classical compositions called masses (one such example is The Great Mass of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart). There is also a reference to the great mass of the universe, the great human mass that populates this world etc.

La Baza Gatului: Do you think humanity is selfish, cruel and self-destructive? Do you think we created gods with the same typologies?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: Exactly. The song Apocalypse on the new album is reflecting my views on that mater. As gods are the creation of mankind, they share the same elements. Mankind has to take responsibility for what is going on to this world and stop waiting for a savior to clean up the mess and make everything right.
La Baza Gatului: When one thinks about the history of your country, one word comes to mind: tragedy. Where does tragedy stand in your creation?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: There are a lot of Hellenic elements on my lyrics, but I am not focusing on tragedy. I prefer to focus on philosophy, as it influences the whole way we perceive things and also mythology, as there are a lot of strong symbols that can be used as metaphors.
La Baza Gatului: Seth Siro is a well-known painter and Christos has just finished classical music studies. Aren’t you tempted to put your “art” into, let’s say, a poetry book and publish it?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: Maybe I will do it sometime, if I will find a serious publisher.
La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about your collaboration with The Filmharmonic Orchestra of Prague?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: We were very pleased with our collaboration in Communion and so we decided to work again together. They are very experienced, as they have worked for many soundtracks and they can bring the intense performance that we demand.

La Baza Gatului: The Great Mass was mixed by Peter Tagtgren. Is it true that, when he first listened to the music, he stated that your album was going to be very difficult to mix?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: That happened when he listened to the symphonic parts. There is so much detail and so many layers on the music that it is not an easy task to bring out the right balance. And we wanted to have a huge guitar sound as we are an extreme band. Peter worked very hard and he managed to make the result exactly as we wanted. He is an amazing producer and a very patient guy.
La Baza Gatului: I would be curious to find out your opinion about the metal scene in general and the Greek one in special.
Sotiris Anunnaki V: There are a lot of exciting releases. The metal scene is alive and well. The same stands also for the Greek scene.
La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about your future plans? Do you plan any special shows in the future, some of them even with a symphonic orchestra involved?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: As a matter of fact, some classical musicians from Greece have approached us for a collaboration. We are making discussions for a special event in Greece, but nothing is finalized yet and so I cannot give details about it right now.

La Baza Gatului: In the end, before the thanks and goodbye part, I would like to ask you to define the following in only one word:
• Achilles – Warrior
• Tzatziki - Tasty
• Rotting Christ - Friends
• The Trojan Horse - Cunning
• Athens - Town
• Nightfall - Friends
• Zeus - God
• Maria Callas - Goddess
• Septicflesh - Art
La Baza Gatului: Thank you very much for your time and kindness in making this interview happen, this is really appreciated. A final word for your Romanian fans?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: You are welcome to attend to our Mass. Keep the dark flame burning!
Sotiris Anunnaki V: When I was 8 years old I started taking lessons on violin, so I was introduced to the magic world of music at a very early age. But I have to admit that initially I wanted to become an astronaut…
La Baza Gatului: I have always wondered why you named your band Septicflesh. What can you tell me about it?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: When I joined the band they were already being called Septic Flesh. It was a suggestion of a friend of Seth and Chris. I wasn’t fond of the name, but the other guys in the band didn’t want to change it.

La Baza Gatului: They say albums are the perfect image of a period in a band’s life. Is there anything you’d change about your previous albums? When was the last time you listened to them?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: A couple of months ago I listened to some old songs. Indeed the emotion is like looking at an old picture of yourself and your family. What could change in some older albums is the production, as at the beginning we didn’t have the luxury to obtain a strong sound.
La Baza Gatului: Your career seemed to have always been somehow linked to French record labels, first of all Holy Records and, after one album released to Hammerheart, Season of Mist. Is there any subtle affinity between Greek and French sensibilities?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: It seems so. The French people were proven great supporters not only of Septicflesh, but also of other Greek Metal Bands as Rotting Christ and Nightfall.

La Baza Gatului: Thinking of you as a whole, I have realized that you complete yourselves perfectly (Siro with the visual parts, you with the lyrical/ conceptual ones, Christos with symphonic arrangements and Fotis with the recording/ preproduction/ quality of the sound). Is this where the success of Septicflesh stands?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: Yes. Septicflesh is the alchemical union of 4 minds that contribute something essential to the final result. It would be impossible for only one mind to explore in such a depth everything. I feel very confident to try new ideas and evolve, having in mind that the other band members are more than capable to support the evolution. We push each other to go further.
La Baza Gatului: Your music had a certain symphonic influences starting with Ophidian Wheel, but it is only on The Great Mass where it has reached perfection. How did you come to such an impressive outcome?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: Our music had symphonic influences from even our first album, Mystic Places of Dawn, released in 1994. There was an 8:50 minutes song on the album called Mythos that was purely symphonic in nature. However, then we had only samplers to play the notes. Now, as we have a bigger budget to create an album and as Chris has obtained a diploma on classical composition, we can arrange the symphonic parts without limitations.

La Baza Gatului: Your music is grandiose, cinematic and very picturesque. During the audition of The Great Mass I have sometimes had the impression that I’m listening to a horror soundtrack. Was this your intention by any chance?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: We are listening to soundtrack music and so we are inspired. It is our intention to make music that will function as a strange dark portal that will bring intense images to the mind’s eye.
La Baza Gatului: Reading your lyrics I feel you are a very sensitive individual, consumed with questions and you somehow manage to impregnate your music also with it. What can you tell me about the lyrical concept of The Great Mass?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: It is rebellious liturgy, in the spirit of a Black Mass. There are 10 different psalms, with dominant element the deconstruction of religious symbolism. But there is not only one conceptual layer on the lyrics. Concerning the title, I played a lot with the different meaning of the word mass. For example there is a reference to classical compositions called masses (one such example is The Great Mass of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart). There is also a reference to the great mass of the universe, the great human mass that populates this world etc.

La Baza Gatului: Do you think humanity is selfish, cruel and self-destructive? Do you think we created gods with the same typologies?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: Exactly. The song Apocalypse on the new album is reflecting my views on that mater. As gods are the creation of mankind, they share the same elements. Mankind has to take responsibility for what is going on to this world and stop waiting for a savior to clean up the mess and make everything right.
La Baza Gatului: When one thinks about the history of your country, one word comes to mind: tragedy. Where does tragedy stand in your creation?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: There are a lot of Hellenic elements on my lyrics, but I am not focusing on tragedy. I prefer to focus on philosophy, as it influences the whole way we perceive things and also mythology, as there are a lot of strong symbols that can be used as metaphors.
La Baza Gatului: Seth Siro is a well-known painter and Christos has just finished classical music studies. Aren’t you tempted to put your “art” into, let’s say, a poetry book and publish it?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: Maybe I will do it sometime, if I will find a serious publisher.
La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about your collaboration with The Filmharmonic Orchestra of Prague?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: We were very pleased with our collaboration in Communion and so we decided to work again together. They are very experienced, as they have worked for many soundtracks and they can bring the intense performance that we demand.

La Baza Gatului: The Great Mass was mixed by Peter Tagtgren. Is it true that, when he first listened to the music, he stated that your album was going to be very difficult to mix?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: That happened when he listened to the symphonic parts. There is so much detail and so many layers on the music that it is not an easy task to bring out the right balance. And we wanted to have a huge guitar sound as we are an extreme band. Peter worked very hard and he managed to make the result exactly as we wanted. He is an amazing producer and a very patient guy.
La Baza Gatului: I would be curious to find out your opinion about the metal scene in general and the Greek one in special.
Sotiris Anunnaki V: There are a lot of exciting releases. The metal scene is alive and well. The same stands also for the Greek scene.
La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about your future plans? Do you plan any special shows in the future, some of them even with a symphonic orchestra involved?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: As a matter of fact, some classical musicians from Greece have approached us for a collaboration. We are making discussions for a special event in Greece, but nothing is finalized yet and so I cannot give details about it right now.

La Baza Gatului: In the end, before the thanks and goodbye part, I would like to ask you to define the following in only one word:
• Achilles – Warrior
• Tzatziki - Tasty
• Rotting Christ - Friends
• The Trojan Horse - Cunning
• Athens - Town
• Nightfall - Friends
• Zeus - God
• Maria Callas - Goddess
• Septicflesh - Art
La Baza Gatului: Thank you very much for your time and kindness in making this interview happen, this is really appreciated. A final word for your Romanian fans?
Sotiris Anunnaki V: You are welcome to attend to our Mass. Keep the dark flame burning!
duminică, 15 mai 2011
Benighted - Asylum Cave (2011) - Season of Mist
Desi aceasta recenzie vine cu ceva intarziere, ar fi imposibil si complet neprofesional sa trecem cu vederea al saselea album de studio al cvintetului francez.
Membrii trupei:
Julien Truchan - voce
Olivier Gabriel - chitara
Liem N'Guyen - chitara
Eric Lombard - bas
Kevin Foley - tobe
Guest appearances:
Sven "Svencho" de Caluwé (Aborted) - voce pe "Unborn Infected Children"
Mike Majewski (Devourment) - voce pe "A Quiet Day"
Asphodel (Pin-Up Went Down) - voce pe "Fritzl"
Dirk Bretträger - scratching pe "Drowning"
Freddy Kroeger - chitara solo pe "Lethal Merycism"
Ascultatorul este asaltat timp de 45 minute de un brutal death metal furios, combinat cu ocazionale parti de grindcore (mai ales in registrul vocal, care este absolut dement), dar si multe alte influente si interventii (sample-uri din desene animate, gospel, cantece pentru copii, scratchuri moderne).
Povestea din spatele albumului Asylum Cave este inspirata din faptele oribile ale austriacului dement Josef Fritzl, cel care si-a intemnitat propria fiica timp de 24 de ani, supunand-o la torturi si violuri, in urma acestor abuzuri repetate nascandu-se de-a lungul timpului sapte copii.
Nu stiu ce mananca francezii in ultima vreme, o fi poate de la centralele alea nucleare foarte numeroase pe teritoriul tarii, dar baietii astia sunt de o competenta iesita din comun, atat in domeniul compozitional, absolut toate piesele fiind mici bijuterii stilistice, cat si din punct de vedere al interpretarii, care este la superlativ.
Stiu ca poate recenzia de fata va suna ca o oda adusa vreunui dictator comunist, si eu pot parea vreun poet dizident ce biciuie nemilos fesele conducatorului mult iubit, dar va rog sa ma credeti pe cuvant ca acest album este THE SHIT.
Felul in care se imbina partile de blastbeat dement cu parti de groove, vocalizele in diferite registre ce rup carnea de pe tine (la piesa Unborn Infected Children are o importanta contributie pe partea de voce si Sven de Caluwe de la Aborted, iar Mike Majewski de la Devourment preia partitura vocala pe A Quiet Day), pasajele de riff ce aproape te obliga la headbanging, o sectiune ritmica extraordinara, toate fac ca acest album sa fie un candidat serios la albumul anului si o piatra de hotar ce stabileste niste standarde in death/grind, din punctul meu de vedere, foarte dificil de depasit.
Nu are puncte sau piese mai slabe, va recomand sa ascultati albumul cap-coada de cateva zeci de ori si dupa acela sa il puneti inca o data, dar daca aveti, sa zicem, programare la doctor in 15 minute pentru o operatie ce se poate dovedi fatala, puteti asculta doar Hostile, Fritzl, Unborn Infected Children si Lethal Merycism.
Un album dement, brutal, epic, perfect.
Membrii trupei:
Julien Truchan - voce
Olivier Gabriel - chitara
Liem N'Guyen - chitara
Eric Lombard - bas
Kevin Foley - tobe
Guest appearances:
Sven "Svencho" de Caluwé (Aborted) - voce pe "Unborn Infected Children"
Mike Majewski (Devourment) - voce pe "A Quiet Day"
Asphodel (Pin-Up Went Down) - voce pe "Fritzl"
Dirk Bretträger - scratching pe "Drowning"
Freddy Kroeger - chitara solo pe "Lethal Merycism"
sâmbătă, 14 mai 2011
Editia a II-a – 22-24 iulie 2011, Cetatea Râşnov
Asociaţia Culturală OST anunta noi trupe confirmate pentru cea de-a doua ediţie a festivalului Ost Mountain Fest, eveniment ce va avea loc anul acesta în weekendul 22-24 iulie 2011, in incinta Cetatii Râşnov, aflata in judetul Brasov, langa orasul cu acelasi nume. Dupa cei doi headlineri anuntati anterior, Keep of Kalessin (Norvegia) si Samael (Elvetia), urmeaza inca doua trupe cap de afis, si anume Dornenreich, una dintre cele mai cunoscute trupe austriece din zona experimentala, respectiv Onslaught, unul dintre cele mai vechi si titrate trupe thrash metal britanice. Acestora li se alatura nu mai putin de zece trupe underground care completeaza tabloul celei de-a doua editii a Ost Mountain Fest.
DORNENREICH, una dintre cele mai intunecate, obscure si interesante trupe ale scenei austriece, extrem de prolifice in ceea ce priveste muzica experimentala, sunt primii muzicieni prezenti pe cea de-a doua scena a festivalului Ost Mountain Fest, scena dedicata in exclusivitate experimentului muzical de factura traditionala, dark ambient sau neo-folk. Si pentru ca experimentul avea nevoie de o trupa etalon la Ost Mountain Fest, n-a existat decat o singura alegere, Dornenreich, care se va prezenta in fata publicului cu un recital acustic, unul dintre rarele momente din acest an cand trupa a decis sa concerteze astfel, un show complet, care va aduce la lumina piese de pe cele sapte albume lansate pana in prezent, toate sub egida elitistului label german Prophecy Productions. Dupa aparitia spectaculoasa din cadrul faimosului festival norvegian Inferno, pregatindu-se pentru a evolua pe scena celui mai important festival din lume dedicat subculturii goth / neo-folk / industrial, Wave Gothic Treffen, Dornenreich va poposi pentru un recital de o ora pe scena acustica instalata in curtea cetatii Rasnov. http://www.myspace.com/mehralsdasein
ONSLAUGHT, veteranii scenei thrash metal britanice, cu o activitate care se intinde pe aproape treizeci de ani, timp in care au lansat doar cinci albume de studio, toate considerate etalon pentru scena thrash metal din Regat. Dupa o absenta de aproape treisprezece ani, Onslaught au decis sa revina in business, astfel ca cele doua albume, „Killing Peace” din 2007 si „Sounds of Violence” lansat la inceputul acestui an, demonstreaza ca trupa mai are multe de spus in peisajul metalic international. Dupa ce trupa a sustinut acum cativa ani un turneu de cluburi in Romania, ea revine direct in postura de cap de afis pe scena singurului festival autohton dedicat sonoritatilor extreme si promite ca va fi un show de tinut minte, o aparitie legendara careia fanii thrash-ului ar trebui sa ii acorde toata atentia. www.myspace.com/onslaughtuk
THE FORESHADOWING, trupa italiana aflata sub bagheta muzicianului Alessandro Pace, cunoscut ca membru fondator al trupelor Spiritual Front si Klimt 1918, si formata din fosti sau actuali membri din Spiritual Front, Klimt 1918 sau Grimness, a surprins intreaga scena muzicala cu albumul de debut “Days of Nothing”, un amestec emotional de doom si death metal melodic, lansat sub egida pretentiosului label britanic Candlelight si urmat de mult mai diversul “Oionos” care adauga armoniilor initiate de primul album elemente de psihedelic post rock si ambient. Preluat spre productie de cult labelul german Cyclone Empire si lansat in primavara anului 2010, “Oionos” dinamiteaza undegroundul Italian si beneficiaza de recenzii entuziaste in majoritatea publicatiilor de profil, unde obtine note excelente, fiind desemnat albumul lunii de celebra revista germana Zillo. www.theforeshadowing.com
WINTERHORDE este probabil cea mai exotica trupa prezenta la editia din acest an a Ost Mountain Fest, o trupa care a vizitat Romania si in trecut, o trupa care provine din Israel, din Galileea, cu o activitate care se intinde pe mai bine de zece ani, timp in care trupa a lansat doua albume de studio, „Nebula” si „Underwatermoon”, unanim apreciate atat de presa de specialitate, cat si de fanii care au descoperit ca trupele cult ale scenei israeliene, Melechesh si Salem, au un urmas demn de lauda sub titulatura Winterhorde. Aflati momentan sub aripa labelului german Twilight Vertrieb si confirmati deja la editia din acest an a festivalului german Insano, cei sase israelieni vor vizita din nou Romania, pentru a prezenta un stil complex, in egala masura melodic, atmosferic si agresiv, cu elemente de progresiv sau caracteristice folclorului oriental, totul sub denumirea de „extreme melodic black metal from Israel”. www.myspace.com/winterhorde
TAINE, una dintre cele mai longevive trupe ale undergroundului bucurestean, va reveni pe scena dupa o indelungata absenta, in cadrul a ceea ce promit a fi un show cu totul special. Cu o componenta care a suferit schimbari majore, celor doi membri fondatori Andi Ionescu si Adi Tabacaru alaturandu-li-se talentatii Robert Pieptan si, mai recent, Ciprian Martin, dar fara a altera stilul care i-a consacrat, adica thrash death de factura progresiva, Taine vor concerta in prima zi a festivalului, in cadrul unui spectacol conceputal audio-video, in cadrul caruia vor prezenta in premiera piese de pe noul album de studio, aflat in pregatire. www.myspace.com/taineband
PIATRA. Trupa suceveana este suma ideilor celor patru membri, cu orientari muzicale diferite, dar si cu o indelungata activitate in cadrul scenei undeground locale, ei implicandu-se muzical in diverse trupe si proiecte inca din perioada nouazecista, in timp ce in prezent fac parte din componenta trupelor Bucovina, Oddisey si Shadowsong. Stilul, simplu, direct si emotional, insumand multiple influente muzicale si generand un stil matur, un mix de doom metal melodic, de heavy metal clasic si de vibratie folk, este descris a fi „in concordanta cu exprimarea sincera, fara artificii tehnice care sa impovareze expresivitatea artistica, o cale directa catre lumea din interiorul fiecaruia dintre noi”. Dupa ce au lansat un material demo excelent, insumand patru piese, cei patru muzicieni de la Piatra se redescopera constant in cadrul spectacolului live, ceea ce se va intampla si in cadrul Ost Mountain Fest din 2011. www.myspace.com/piatraband
EUFOBIA, trupa bulgara care a concertat cel mai mult in Romania de-a lungul timpului ultimei decade, revine direct pe scena Ost Mountain Fest pentru a-si prezenta noul album “Cup of Mud” 2011, lansat sub egida celui mai important label bulgar, Wizard, si distribuit in vestul Europei prin Soulfood si Plastic Head. Dupa ce ani de zile au evolut sub forma unui trio, incepand din 2010, alaturi de line-up-ul intitial activeaza un al doilea chitarist, imprumutat de la veteranii Past Redemption, ceea ce ofera sound-ului Eufobia o nota aparte, un amestec de death metal melodic, thrash metal traditional, discrete influente de metal progresiv si ciudate pasaje atonale, inspirate din bogatul folclor slav. www.eufobia.com
AKRAL NECROSIS este una dintre putinele trupe autohtone care exloateaza cu succes valorile black metalului traditional, fiind de altfel singura trupa din undegroundul romanesc care a reusit sa se impuna si sa impuna anumite reguli de urmat, in ceea ce priveste black metalul de factura clasica. Dupa o multime de concerte in Romania, in special in capitala, cand Akral Necrosis a impartit scena cu mai multe trupe importante, ultima data cu italienii de la Cadaveria, trupa se pregateste sa lanseze albumul de debut, autofinantat si intitulat „Pandemic Dominion”, material ce va fi lansat probabil cu ocazia festivalului din aceasta vara, dupa care se anunta o perioada de oprire a activitatii, aparitia lor la Ost Mountain Fest fiind probabil ultima aparitie live a trupei din acest an. www.myspace.com/acralnecrosis
DEATHDRIVE este probabil una dintre cele mai hardworking bands din subsolul scenei bucurestene de metal si metalcore, activand de aproape o decada mai intai sub titulatura Do Diez, si apoi sub numele pe care trupa il poarta in prezent, este una dintre putinele trupe care si-a autoprodus un material oficial in format DVD si care a participat la mai multe turnee independete peste tot in Romania. De-a lungul anilor stilul Deathdrive s-a slefuit, parcurgand incet, dar sigur distanta care desparte metalcore-ul de amestecul sincer de hardcore si thrash pe care trupa il prezinta in acest moment si caruia ii grefeaza elemente experimentale semi-acustice. Pentru ca Ost Mountain Fest este un festival dedicate tuturor stilurilor metal care conteaza, Deathdrive isi gaseste locul in panoplia de trupe prezente la Rasnov in aceasta vara. www.myspace.com.deathdriveband
PUT SOLNCA din Rusia este inca o aparitie neobisnuita in programul editiei din acest an a festivalului, o trupa care vine direct din Moscova, de la o distanta de aproape 2000 de kilometri pentru a concerta exclusiv pe scena Ost Mountain Fest. Cu un concept pagan, suprapus unui amestec energic de thrash death metal de sorginte Sepultura infectat de heavy metal old school de tip Motorhead, bantuit de linii vocale cavernoase, totul intr-un ansamblu dens, brutal, sincer si original, trupa moscovita infiintata de Miron, muzicianul moscovit cunoscut datorita colaborarii sale cu cult band-ul rus Butterfly Temple, a reusit sa concerteze intens peste tot in fostele republici sovietice, uneori alaturi de trupe extrem de cunoscute ale scenei metal, ca Megadeth sau Ragnarok, in acelasi timp reusind sa lanseze doua albume full-length, un material split, respective un DVD. http://www.myspace.com/psolnca
INSULT! reprezinta scena poloneza pe scena Ost Mountain Fest, o trupa care a mai vizitat Romania in trecut, prezentand ceea ce ei definesc a fi alternative metal, de fapt un amestec energic si brutal de influente din cele mai diverse subgenuri ale scenei metalice, al carui numitor comun este vocea puternica si melodioasa, in timp ce conceptual trupa se raliaza unui concept radical, rezumat rin dezgust, ura si dezamagire. Viteza, brutalitate si determinare, acestea sunt atuurile polonezilor de la Insult, intr-un show exclusiv pe scena Ost Mountain Fest. http://www.myspace.com/insultbandpl
ACTION BASS TOM BAND, partizani al reducerii la absurd a heavy metalului brutal, printr-un amestec de thrash si death metal caracterizat ca „durum of death”, teutonii de la ABTB, individualizati printr-o mentalitate utilitarista, acrobati al sunetului brutal care vad in muzica doar un mod inedit de distractie, de perfectionare umana si de exprimare a noncomformismului, promit un show incendiar, cu ceata, tunete si un stage design special. www.myspace.com/actionbasstomband
In acest moment 26 trupe sunt confirmate pentru editia din 2011 a Ost Mountain Fest: Samael (Elvetia), Keep of Kalessin (Norvegia), Dornenreich (Austria), Onslaught (Marea Britanie), Bolthard (Romania), The Foreshadowing (Italia), Winterhorde (Israel), Damned Spirits’ Dance (Ungaria), Sincarnate (Romania), Taine (Romania), E-Force (Canada / Franta), Spiritual Ravishment (Romania), Fen (Marea Britanie), Mediocracy (Romania), The Way of Purity (Suedia / Norvegia), Piatra (Romania, L.O.S.T. (Romania), Deathdrive (Romania), Eufobia (Bulgaria), Akral Necrosis (Romania), Apa Simbetii (Romania), Ka Gaia An (Romania), True Mind (Romania), Put Solnca (Rusia), Insult (Polonia), Action Bass Tom Band (Germania). Inca 9 de trupe vor fi anuntate in cel mai scurt timp!
Biletele s-au pus deja in vanzare in vanzare, la pretul de 150 de lei pentru un abonament valabil pentru cele trei zile de festival, sau la pretul de 70 de lei pentru un bilet valabil o zi, preturi valabile pana la data de 15 mai 2011, urmand ca ulterior pretul abonamentelor si bileteleor sa creasca pana la 180 lei, respectiv 80 de lei pe zi.
Biletele sunt disponibile on-line in reteaua Biletoo.ro (plata valabila cu cradul sau ramburs / livrare prin curier), Librariile Adevarul din Bucuresti, Brasov, Iasi, Timisoara, Focsani, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Galati si Constanta, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinul Unirii parter, Sala Palatului, Magazinul Victoria parter, Libraria Mihai Eminescu, Palatul Copiilor (toate din Bucuresti), de asemenea prin Axa Valaha Productions si filiala Bestial Records din Bucuresti. Alte variante de achizitionare a biletelor vor fi anuntate in curand.
(Coro@ Axa Valaha)
(Coro@ Axa Valaha)
luni, 9 mai 2011
Vomitory – Opus Mortis VIII (2011) - Metal Blade
Vomitory este una dintre putinele formatii din prezent de la care stii exact la ce sa te astepti cand apare un album nou, nu o sa te trezesti cu vreo vioara ratacita in mijlocul unei piese, vreo gagica ce face triluri pe vreun refren sau un pian cu coarde ce ne canta niste intro-uri si outro-uri de zece minute, ci doar death metal suedez dur, old school si la baza gatului. Si nu fac treaba asta decat de vreo doua decenii si opt albume, deci e foarte clar ca baietii sunt hotarati bine de tot pe treaba.
Asa cum am mentionat, avem un album cu o durata de 37 minute de death metal cu un tempo mediu in maniera Bloodbath si Grave, voce cavernoasa, riffuri thrashy foarte catchy, punctat de solouri memorabile ce aduc aminte de Slayer. Partitura de tobe mi se pare un pic generica si fada, cu un timbru uneori cam spart pentru gusturile mele.
O trupa ce nu si-a propus niciodata sa inoveze, dar daca piese ca They Will Burn, Hate in a Time of War sau Forever Damned nu va fac sa efectuati air guitar si sa dati din plete (in cazul celor mai multora dintre noi virtuale), inseamna ca nu prea va place metalul si poate ar trebui sa va orientati spre genuri mai facile.
Membrii trupei:
Erik Rundqvist - voce, bass
Urban Gustafsson - chitara
Peter Östlund - chitara
Tobias Gustafsson - tobe
Asa cum am mentionat, avem un album cu o durata de 37 minute de death metal cu un tempo mediu in maniera Bloodbath si Grave, voce cavernoasa, riffuri thrashy foarte catchy, punctat de solouri memorabile ce aduc aminte de Slayer. Partitura de tobe mi se pare un pic generica si fada, cu un timbru uneori cam spart pentru gusturile mele.
O trupa ce nu si-a propus niciodata sa inoveze, dar daca piese ca They Will Burn, Hate in a Time of War sau Forever Damned nu va fac sa efectuati air guitar si sa dati din plete (in cazul celor mai multora dintre noi virtuale), inseamna ca nu prea va place metalul si poate ar trebui sa va orientati spre genuri mai facile.
Membrii trupei:
Erik Rundqvist - voce, bass
Urban Gustafsson - chitara
Peter Östlund - chitara
Tobias Gustafsson - tobe
vineri, 6 mai 2011
Pestilence - Doctrine (2011) - Mascot Records
For english version click here.
Pestilence nu a fost niciodata o trupa pe treaba ei, asta e clar. Dupa un debut thrash/death destul de conform cu ce se canta in acea epoca (a se citi Malleus Malleficarum si Consuming Impulse), in 1991 (prin Testimony of the Ancients) si mai ales in 1993 (prin ultratehnicizatul Spheres), trupa a ales calea unui death metal total atipic, foarte tehnic, decizie care a condus atat la ruptura relatiei cu casa de discuri, scindarea bazei de fani si, in final, la desfiintare.
Ca trupa nu scoate 2 albume (cel putin consecutive) identice e o alta certitudine si aceasta afirmatie a fost demonstrata (cu probe) odata cu aparitia lui Resurrection Macabre, un album care, desi puncteaza beton la capitolul tehnic, exceleaza mai mult prin ferocitate, spre deosebire de precedentul.
Ma intrebam cum o sa sune Doctrine, cu ale sale titluri de piese alcatuite fiecare dintr-un singur cuvant (conducand persoanele cu imaginatie bogata catre o simetrie bolnavicioasa), si nu mare mi-a fost surpriza sa constat ca avem de-a face cu o distantare destul de semnificativa de precedentul opus.
Este vorba, in speta, despre o muzica mult mai tehnica, aproape hipnotica, cu punctari de bas fretless halucinante, solouri totalmente suspecte (cum ii place unui prieten sa le denumeasca), riffuri matematice si vocalize de o cruzime rar intalnita. In rest, nu ar mai fi foarte mult de spus despre muzica, cred ca decizia finala referitoare la acest album ar trebui sa apartina fiecarui ascultator in parte.
Intr-o perioada in care tendinta principala in metal este sa iti faci din accesibilitate un fel de profesiune de credinta, Pestilence nu se dezmint si revin cu un album totalmente neprietenos, pretentios si solicitant. Probabil ca unii ar intepreta aceasta tendinta printr-o acuta dorinta de epatare, pentru mine insa este evident (si olandezii sunt dovada clara) ca mai exista, totusi, trupe care canta exclusiv din placere, fara a se mai gandi la vanzari sau trenduri.
Membrii trupei:
Patrick Mameli - voce, chitara
Patrick Uterwijk - chitara
Jeroen Paul Thesseling - bas
Yuma Van Eekelen - tobe
Pestilence nu a fost niciodata o trupa pe treaba ei, asta e clar. Dupa un debut thrash/death destul de conform cu ce se canta in acea epoca (a se citi Malleus Malleficarum si Consuming Impulse), in 1991 (prin Testimony of the Ancients) si mai ales in 1993 (prin ultratehnicizatul Spheres), trupa a ales calea unui death metal total atipic, foarte tehnic, decizie care a condus atat la ruptura relatiei cu casa de discuri, scindarea bazei de fani si, in final, la desfiintare.
Ca trupa nu scoate 2 albume (cel putin consecutive) identice e o alta certitudine si aceasta afirmatie a fost demonstrata (cu probe) odata cu aparitia lui Resurrection Macabre, un album care, desi puncteaza beton la capitolul tehnic, exceleaza mai mult prin ferocitate, spre deosebire de precedentul.
Ma intrebam cum o sa sune Doctrine, cu ale sale titluri de piese alcatuite fiecare dintr-un singur cuvant (conducand persoanele cu imaginatie bogata catre o simetrie bolnavicioasa), si nu mare mi-a fost surpriza sa constat ca avem de-a face cu o distantare destul de semnificativa de precedentul opus.
Este vorba, in speta, despre o muzica mult mai tehnica, aproape hipnotica, cu punctari de bas fretless halucinante, solouri totalmente suspecte (cum ii place unui prieten sa le denumeasca), riffuri matematice si vocalize de o cruzime rar intalnita. In rest, nu ar mai fi foarte mult de spus despre muzica, cred ca decizia finala referitoare la acest album ar trebui sa apartina fiecarui ascultator in parte.
Intr-o perioada in care tendinta principala in metal este sa iti faci din accesibilitate un fel de profesiune de credinta, Pestilence nu se dezmint si revin cu un album totalmente neprietenos, pretentios si solicitant. Probabil ca unii ar intepreta aceasta tendinta printr-o acuta dorinta de epatare, pentru mine insa este evident (si olandezii sunt dovada clara) ca mai exista, totusi, trupe care canta exclusiv din placere, fara a se mai gandi la vanzari sau trenduri.
Membrii trupei:
Patrick Mameli - voce, chitara
Patrick Uterwijk - chitara
Jeroen Paul Thesseling - bas
Yuma Van Eekelen - tobe

joi, 5 mai 2011
Recenzie concert Rotting Christ - Bucuresti, 4 mai 2011
Seria de 3 concerte propusa de Hatework a fost din start un demers interesant (cele cinci trupe de pe afis au sustinut, in plus fata de Bucuresti, concerte la Cluj si Iasi), line-up-ul fiind unul variat si atractiv cam pentru orice amator de metal (mai mult sau mai putin) extrem.
Despre locatia aleasa nu ar fi foarte multe de spus, clubul Silver Church devenind de o vreme incoace locul de intalnire ideal pentru asemenea evenimente (cu o participare de maxim 8-900 de persoane).
Concertul a debutat la ora anuntata cu recitalul britanicilor de la De Profundis. Auto-intitulati progressive extreme metal, Craig Land and co. au oferit un concert scurt si intens, sonoritatile black/doom constituind ingredientele de baza ale muzicii trupei.
Nu am fost niciodata un fan al muzicii italienilor de la Dark End, insa am fost interesat sa ii vad in concert, mai ales ca autointitulatul black metal simfonic prestat de ei este un gen care poate ridica destul de multe probleme in cadrul aparitiilor live. Recitalul acestora a debutat cu un soi de incantatie, iar vocalistul Animae si-a asezat tacticos coroana de spini pe frunte si a inceput sa improaste publicul cu vocalizele sale veninoase, prestatia sa foarte demonstrativa si teatrala constituind punctul central al concertului. Un black metal mai mult sau mai putin simfonic, clapele constituind un element important al muzicii italienilor.
Daylight Misery sunt o tanara trupa greceasca, fiind remarcati si ajutati atat de Sakis de la Rotting Christ, cat si de Efthimis Karadimas de la Nightfall la inregistrarea unor piese. Muzica propusa este un metal melancolic, insa senzatia permanenta care m-a incercat pe parcursul recitalului a fost ca este nevoie ca formatia sa mai lucreze la capitolul coeziune si, mai ales, la partea de incredere in sine, multe dintre pasaje lasandu-mi impresia unei oarecare ezitari (am evitat intentionat termenul stangacie) in interpretare.
Lucrurile s-au schimbat total odata cu debutul recitalului finlandezilor de la Omnium Gatherum. Avand in spate o experienta de 15 ani si 5 albume de studio, Jukka Pelhonen si compania au debutat in forta, primele cateva compozitii fiind extreme de rapide si energice. Avand in vedere aparitia, in februarie, a unui nou album de studio, trupa nu a putut trece cu vederea compozitiile de pe acesta, muzica de pe New World Shadows fiind, insa, mult mai asezata si partiturile de voce mai calme decat pe precedentele albume. Ca si maniera de interpretare, pot afirma ca piesele de pe ultimul disc lasa si live impresia clara ca trupa a castigat destul de mult la capitolul expresivitate, pierzand, dupa parerea mea, la capitolul agresivitate. Din punct de vedere stilistic, inchipuiti-va un soi de Dark Tranquillity ceva mai epic si mai putin agresiv, cu clape mai pregnante si mai multe voci clean.
Recitalul Rotting Christ a debutat la 22.05, cu 15 minute mai devreme decat fusese anuntat in desfasurator. Desi mai scurt decat m-as fi asteptat (grecii au prestat 65 de minute cu tot cu bis), concertul celor de la Rotting Christ a fost unul extrem de reusit (lucru de la sine inteles, avand in vedere atat experienta, cat si profesionalismul total al trupei), cu un setlist orientat, asa cum era de asteptat, pe ultimele produse de studio (Theogonia si, mai ales, AEALO). Recitalul a debutat cu Ealo, Eon Aenaos, Athanati Este, Fire Death and Fear, a continuat cu magnifica King of a Stellar War, parcurgand apoi secventele Sign of an Evil Existence, In Domine Sathana, The Sign of Prime Creation, Phobos Synagogue, dub-sag-ta-ke si Noctis Era. Dupa acest moment, charismaticul Sakis ne-a anuntat ca spectacolul s-a incheiat si ne-a urat respectuos noapte buna. In aclamatiile unui public nu foarte numeros dar frenetic, care s-a agitat, a facut headbanging si pogo pe parcursul intregului recital, Rotting Christ au revenit pentru un scurt bis. La bustul gol si cu un coif asemanator cu cel de pe capul razboinicului de pe coperta albumului AEALO, Sakis a interpretat piesa care constituie, probabil, un soi de manifest artistic al trupei, Non Serviam.
Per total, am avut ocazia sa particip la un eveniment reusit care mi-a reconfirmat faptul ca Rotting Christ este una dintre cele mai importante trupe de metal europene (si, de ce nu, mondiale) si ca Sakis este un pitic carismatic cu suflet imens, care traieste exclusiv prin si pentru muzica sa.
Singurele puncte oarecum slabe al acestei seri au fost participarea nu foarte numeroasa a publicului (estimez undeva la 350-400 de persoane) si recitalul scurt al headlinerului.
Fotografii: Cosmin
Despre locatia aleasa nu ar fi foarte multe de spus, clubul Silver Church devenind de o vreme incoace locul de intalnire ideal pentru asemenea evenimente (cu o participare de maxim 8-900 de persoane).
Concertul a debutat la ora anuntata cu recitalul britanicilor de la De Profundis. Auto-intitulati progressive extreme metal, Craig Land and co. au oferit un concert scurt si intens, sonoritatile black/doom constituind ingredientele de baza ale muzicii trupei.
Nu am fost niciodata un fan al muzicii italienilor de la Dark End, insa am fost interesat sa ii vad in concert, mai ales ca autointitulatul black metal simfonic prestat de ei este un gen care poate ridica destul de multe probleme in cadrul aparitiilor live. Recitalul acestora a debutat cu un soi de incantatie, iar vocalistul Animae si-a asezat tacticos coroana de spini pe frunte si a inceput sa improaste publicul cu vocalizele sale veninoase, prestatia sa foarte demonstrativa si teatrala constituind punctul central al concertului. Un black metal mai mult sau mai putin simfonic, clapele constituind un element important al muzicii italienilor.
Daylight Misery sunt o tanara trupa greceasca, fiind remarcati si ajutati atat de Sakis de la Rotting Christ, cat si de Efthimis Karadimas de la Nightfall la inregistrarea unor piese. Muzica propusa este un metal melancolic, insa senzatia permanenta care m-a incercat pe parcursul recitalului a fost ca este nevoie ca formatia sa mai lucreze la capitolul coeziune si, mai ales, la partea de incredere in sine, multe dintre pasaje lasandu-mi impresia unei oarecare ezitari (am evitat intentionat termenul stangacie) in interpretare.
Lucrurile s-au schimbat total odata cu debutul recitalului finlandezilor de la Omnium Gatherum. Avand in spate o experienta de 15 ani si 5 albume de studio, Jukka Pelhonen si compania au debutat in forta, primele cateva compozitii fiind extreme de rapide si energice. Avand in vedere aparitia, in februarie, a unui nou album de studio, trupa nu a putut trece cu vederea compozitiile de pe acesta, muzica de pe New World Shadows fiind, insa, mult mai asezata si partiturile de voce mai calme decat pe precedentele albume. Ca si maniera de interpretare, pot afirma ca piesele de pe ultimul disc lasa si live impresia clara ca trupa a castigat destul de mult la capitolul expresivitate, pierzand, dupa parerea mea, la capitolul agresivitate. Din punct de vedere stilistic, inchipuiti-va un soi de Dark Tranquillity ceva mai epic si mai putin agresiv, cu clape mai pregnante si mai multe voci clean.
Recitalul Rotting Christ a debutat la 22.05, cu 15 minute mai devreme decat fusese anuntat in desfasurator. Desi mai scurt decat m-as fi asteptat (grecii au prestat 65 de minute cu tot cu bis), concertul celor de la Rotting Christ a fost unul extrem de reusit (lucru de la sine inteles, avand in vedere atat experienta, cat si profesionalismul total al trupei), cu un setlist orientat, asa cum era de asteptat, pe ultimele produse de studio (Theogonia si, mai ales, AEALO). Recitalul a debutat cu Ealo, Eon Aenaos, Athanati Este, Fire Death and Fear, a continuat cu magnifica King of a Stellar War, parcurgand apoi secventele Sign of an Evil Existence, In Domine Sathana, The Sign of Prime Creation, Phobos Synagogue, dub-sag-ta-ke si Noctis Era. Dupa acest moment, charismaticul Sakis ne-a anuntat ca spectacolul s-a incheiat si ne-a urat respectuos noapte buna. In aclamatiile unui public nu foarte numeros dar frenetic, care s-a agitat, a facut headbanging si pogo pe parcursul intregului recital, Rotting Christ au revenit pentru un scurt bis. La bustul gol si cu un coif asemanator cu cel de pe capul razboinicului de pe coperta albumului AEALO, Sakis a interpretat piesa care constituie, probabil, un soi de manifest artistic al trupei, Non Serviam.
Per total, am avut ocazia sa particip la un eveniment reusit care mi-a reconfirmat faptul ca Rotting Christ este una dintre cele mai importante trupe de metal europene (si, de ce nu, mondiale) si ca Sakis este un pitic carismatic cu suflet imens, care traieste exclusiv prin si pentru muzica sa.
Singurele puncte oarecum slabe al acestei seri au fost participarea nu foarte numeroasa a publicului (estimez undeva la 350-400 de persoane) si recitalul scurt al headlinerului.
Fotografii: Cosmin
Interview with Andreas Vagane (Harm)
La Baza Gatului: According to the available information, Harm was formed in 1997. However, the debut album was released 9 years later. What took you so long?
Andreas Vagane: There are many reasons. The members were involved in multiple other projects, and there were several line-up changes. In addition to that, the band wanted to develop its own sound before releasing an album, and there was never any hurry. When the time was right, the time was right.
La Baza Gatului: I know that before releasing the current album, you released 2 demos and a full-length album. What can you tell me about those products? Are they still available for fans?
Andreas Vagane: “Devil” is still widely available, and if you look hard enough you should at least be able to obtain a copy of “Unleashed”.
La Baza Gatului: You were fortunate to play live with bands such as Entombed, Malevolent Creation, Incantation and Rotting Christ, among others. Is there something you feel you’ve learned from any of these bands? Was this experience useful to you in any way?
Andreas Vagane: Experience is always useful. You learn how to handle life on the road, and you grow as a performer and musician. And hopefully you get to have a great time doing the things you love.

La Baza Gatului: Reading your bio, I have found out that in 2006 you had to start from scratch. When qualities were you looking for when started looking for other Harm members?
Andreas Vagane: Steffan was looking for guys who were willing to go all the way and give what it takes. That’s very understandable considering that he is no stranger to quitters.
On a personal and social level we hit it off from square one and has since then become sort of like a family.
La Baza Gatului: I have always wondered about one thing: do you have to previously be a devoted metalhead in order to become a real musician and provide quality metal albums?
Andreas Vagane: Yes, I would say that. In order to make quality music you have to love the kind of music you’re making, because essentially you’re making music for yourself. Simply put; if you’re a fan of metal you will recognize quality by liking the music you make. If you don’t like metal you’ll have no way of telling if what you’re making is gold or shit.
La Baza Gatului: Let us now talk about the new album, Demonic Alliance. What idea did you have in mind when started composing and recording it? How should the album have sounded in order to take the fans by storm?
Andreas Vagane: Everything came out very naturally. To tell you the truth we didn’t really have any solid plan to begin with. Me and Steffan brought our riffs and ideas, fused them together, Øivind brought his own touch and style, we jammed on our songs and tweaked them until they felt right, and the result is what you hear on the album now.
If the fans like it that’s a good thing, but we didn’t keep other people in mind when we wrote the music. If it sounds good to us, we’ll run with it.

La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about the lyrical concept? Would you mind presenting Demonic Alliance track by track (in a few words, of course)?
Andreas Vagane: Since I did not write the lyrics, I’m not qualified to give a track-by-track description, but the lyrical theme of the album picks up where “Devil” left off.
All of the lyrics are based on actual events, actual people, experiences, thoughts and opinions, all of which are real and have all crossed paths with Steffan at some point of his life.
La Baza Gatului: What producer did you work with and why did you choose him?
Andreas Vagane: We chose Valle Adzic and studio Deadline in Trollhättan, Sweden. He did the mix on “Devil” and we we’re familiar with a lot of his other works. It turned out to be a good choice and he did an excellent job with our music and he was very pleasant to work with.
La Baza Gatului: If we would meet in a record store and I had money to buy only one record, how would you convince me to buy Harm’s album?
Andreas Vagane: I would’ve told you to give the album a listen (most record stores will let you do that before you buy). Then I would’ve left the decision up to you.

La Baza Gatului: If you were a journalist, how would you rate Demonic Alliance (on a scale from 0 to 10)? Please motivate your answer.
Andreas Vagane: I, personally, am very enthusiastic about this album. I love it! I love listening to it. It’s brutal, hard, fast, and fucking merciless all the way to the end. Some people say: “You should’ve thrown in one or two slower tracks in the middle for the sake of variety”, I say fuck that shit. I always end up skipping those tracks anyway. Fuck it!! 10/10
La Baza Gatului: When speaking of musical creativity, Norway always stood in the front. How would you explain that? What is your opinion about the metal scene in general and the Norwegian one in special?
Andreas Vagane: I could start ranting on about Christianity, individualism, and other philosophical nonsense, but in reality the explanation is as simple as it is boring:
Whatever your game or art is, one geographical region will stand out as superior to the rest. It’s a cultural thing.
That being said; I really love a lot of other music from a lot of other countries.
I like the metal scene in Norway and in general. I’m very open-minded towards what’s new, but the classics will always be classics.

La Baza Gatului: Do you listen (metal) music at home? If yes, what recent metal albums impressed you lately?
Andreas Vagane: I listen to a lot of music, metal and otherwise. I actually really like the latest Children of Bodom album, and the latest from Vader, Nile, and Behemoth. Destruction, Kreator, and Sodom’s latest also impressed me.
La Baza Gatului: What should we know about your band colleagues?
Andreas Vagane: I don’t know if you SHOULD know all this, but I’ll tell you a little something about everyone of us:
Steffan is the most uncompromising man I’ve ever met. Expect one hundred percent sincerity in every word he says and every move he makes. He’ll look you in the eye and tell it to your face, I shit you not! A great guy, in other words!
Øivind is a little hellraiser. He’s light hearted and full of wit. He finds a lot recreational value in breaking well established cultural and social codes in the presence of “true” metalheads. He loves to make fun of the obvious paradox that “the only way to NOT be a POSER, is to wear exactly THESE clothes and listen to THESE bands”.
Jørni Johnsen, our live guitarist, is a very sweet and likeable fellow. He just wants everyone to be happy and have a good time. He’s a really nice guy and a fine musician.
His friendly personality is a refreshing contrast to brutal and aggressive guitar playing, and in-your-face stage performance.
And then there’s me, Andreas Vagane. They say I’m the “rockstar” of the band. When we’re out doing gigs or chugging down beers at a bar, I like to crank up the level of obscenity a few notches, so you better have a camera ready. I’m devoted to the rock & roll life style, and I can’t really say I despise the attention either.

La Baza Gatului: How about future plans?
Andreas Vagane: Play a lot of gigs, write a lot of music, and have a fucking blast while we’re doing it.
La Baza Gatului: In the end, before saying goodbye, I’d like you to define the following in only one word:
Andreas Vagane: Ok, here we go:
• Mayhem - Old
• Kvelertak - New
• Emperor - Epic
• Mongo Ninja - Nonsense
• Immortal – Funny
• Dimmu Borgir - Biggest
• Solefald - Special
• Antares Predator – Misanthropic
• Harm - Real
La Baza Gatului: Thanks for your time and kindness in making this interview available. A word for the Romanian metal fans?
Andreas Vagane: Don’t mention it, it was a pleasure. And for the Romanian headbangers: Keep blowing those speakers! We hope to see you on the road soon!
Andreas Vagane: There are many reasons. The members were involved in multiple other projects, and there were several line-up changes. In addition to that, the band wanted to develop its own sound before releasing an album, and there was never any hurry. When the time was right, the time was right.
La Baza Gatului: I know that before releasing the current album, you released 2 demos and a full-length album. What can you tell me about those products? Are they still available for fans?
Andreas Vagane: “Devil” is still widely available, and if you look hard enough you should at least be able to obtain a copy of “Unleashed”.
La Baza Gatului: You were fortunate to play live with bands such as Entombed, Malevolent Creation, Incantation and Rotting Christ, among others. Is there something you feel you’ve learned from any of these bands? Was this experience useful to you in any way?
Andreas Vagane: Experience is always useful. You learn how to handle life on the road, and you grow as a performer and musician. And hopefully you get to have a great time doing the things you love.

La Baza Gatului: Reading your bio, I have found out that in 2006 you had to start from scratch. When qualities were you looking for when started looking for other Harm members?
Andreas Vagane: Steffan was looking for guys who were willing to go all the way and give what it takes. That’s very understandable considering that he is no stranger to quitters.
On a personal and social level we hit it off from square one and has since then become sort of like a family.
La Baza Gatului: I have always wondered about one thing: do you have to previously be a devoted metalhead in order to become a real musician and provide quality metal albums?
Andreas Vagane: Yes, I would say that. In order to make quality music you have to love the kind of music you’re making, because essentially you’re making music for yourself. Simply put; if you’re a fan of metal you will recognize quality by liking the music you make. If you don’t like metal you’ll have no way of telling if what you’re making is gold or shit.
La Baza Gatului: Let us now talk about the new album, Demonic Alliance. What idea did you have in mind when started composing and recording it? How should the album have sounded in order to take the fans by storm?
Andreas Vagane: Everything came out very naturally. To tell you the truth we didn’t really have any solid plan to begin with. Me and Steffan brought our riffs and ideas, fused them together, Øivind brought his own touch and style, we jammed on our songs and tweaked them until they felt right, and the result is what you hear on the album now.
If the fans like it that’s a good thing, but we didn’t keep other people in mind when we wrote the music. If it sounds good to us, we’ll run with it.

La Baza Gatului: What can you tell me about the lyrical concept? Would you mind presenting Demonic Alliance track by track (in a few words, of course)?
Andreas Vagane: Since I did not write the lyrics, I’m not qualified to give a track-by-track description, but the lyrical theme of the album picks up where “Devil” left off.
All of the lyrics are based on actual events, actual people, experiences, thoughts and opinions, all of which are real and have all crossed paths with Steffan at some point of his life.
La Baza Gatului: What producer did you work with and why did you choose him?
Andreas Vagane: We chose Valle Adzic and studio Deadline in Trollhättan, Sweden. He did the mix on “Devil” and we we’re familiar with a lot of his other works. It turned out to be a good choice and he did an excellent job with our music and he was very pleasant to work with.
La Baza Gatului: If we would meet in a record store and I had money to buy only one record, how would you convince me to buy Harm’s album?
Andreas Vagane: I would’ve told you to give the album a listen (most record stores will let you do that before you buy). Then I would’ve left the decision up to you.

La Baza Gatului: If you were a journalist, how would you rate Demonic Alliance (on a scale from 0 to 10)? Please motivate your answer.
Andreas Vagane: I, personally, am very enthusiastic about this album. I love it! I love listening to it. It’s brutal, hard, fast, and fucking merciless all the way to the end. Some people say: “You should’ve thrown in one or two slower tracks in the middle for the sake of variety”, I say fuck that shit. I always end up skipping those tracks anyway. Fuck it!! 10/10
La Baza Gatului: When speaking of musical creativity, Norway always stood in the front. How would you explain that? What is your opinion about the metal scene in general and the Norwegian one in special?
Andreas Vagane: I could start ranting on about Christianity, individualism, and other philosophical nonsense, but in reality the explanation is as simple as it is boring:
Whatever your game or art is, one geographical region will stand out as superior to the rest. It’s a cultural thing.
That being said; I really love a lot of other music from a lot of other countries.
I like the metal scene in Norway and in general. I’m very open-minded towards what’s new, but the classics will always be classics.

La Baza Gatului: Do you listen (metal) music at home? If yes, what recent metal albums impressed you lately?
Andreas Vagane: I listen to a lot of music, metal and otherwise. I actually really like the latest Children of Bodom album, and the latest from Vader, Nile, and Behemoth. Destruction, Kreator, and Sodom’s latest also impressed me.
La Baza Gatului: What should we know about your band colleagues?
Andreas Vagane: I don’t know if you SHOULD know all this, but I’ll tell you a little something about everyone of us:
Steffan is the most uncompromising man I’ve ever met. Expect one hundred percent sincerity in every word he says and every move he makes. He’ll look you in the eye and tell it to your face, I shit you not! A great guy, in other words!
Øivind is a little hellraiser. He’s light hearted and full of wit. He finds a lot recreational value in breaking well established cultural and social codes in the presence of “true” metalheads. He loves to make fun of the obvious paradox that “the only way to NOT be a POSER, is to wear exactly THESE clothes and listen to THESE bands”.
Jørni Johnsen, our live guitarist, is a very sweet and likeable fellow. He just wants everyone to be happy and have a good time. He’s a really nice guy and a fine musician.
His friendly personality is a refreshing contrast to brutal and aggressive guitar playing, and in-your-face stage performance.
And then there’s me, Andreas Vagane. They say I’m the “rockstar” of the band. When we’re out doing gigs or chugging down beers at a bar, I like to crank up the level of obscenity a few notches, so you better have a camera ready. I’m devoted to the rock & roll life style, and I can’t really say I despise the attention either.

La Baza Gatului: How about future plans?
Andreas Vagane: Play a lot of gigs, write a lot of music, and have a fucking blast while we’re doing it.
La Baza Gatului: In the end, before saying goodbye, I’d like you to define the following in only one word:
Andreas Vagane: Ok, here we go:
• Mayhem - Old
• Kvelertak - New
• Emperor - Epic
• Mongo Ninja - Nonsense
• Immortal – Funny
• Dimmu Borgir - Biggest
• Solefald - Special
• Antares Predator – Misanthropic
• Harm - Real
La Baza Gatului: Thanks for your time and kindness in making this interview available. A word for the Romanian metal fans?
Andreas Vagane: Don’t mention it, it was a pleasure. And for the Romanian headbangers: Keep blowing those speakers! We hope to see you on the road soon!
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